Is a Name Important?

Is a Name Important?

 by: Denise O'Berry

You bet a name is important. Many small business owners try to come up with a clever name for their business rather than one that explains what they do. And, nine times out of ten, that is a mistake. Your business name should give your prospects some idea of what your business is about.

One of the most useful processes I've used to help my clients come up with a good name is to turn it around. Rather than looking at the name from your perspective, approach it from your prospect's perspective.

1. Identify your target market. Be specific. What are their wants and needs? Specific gender? How big are they? Do they make a certain amount of revenue? What do they look like? Draw a picture of your prospect.

2. Why should they do business with you? What are the benefits? What makes you different from all the other businesses in your industry?

Based on your answers to 1 and 2 above, brainstorm a list of words that could potentially turn into a company name. Put those combinations together and see what works best for you.