It's All About ATTITUDE

No matter what type of business venture you tackle,
Attitude is the single most important factor that
will determine your success.

If you start your business with the Attitude that you
are in it for the long haul you make a commitment that,
no matter what, you will consistently work your business
for a minimum of one to three years without giving up
you will succeed. If you do not start your business
with that Attitude, you have failed before you have
even begun.

The 3 Key Attitudes for Success Are:

1. Consistency

Whether you are working your business full-time or
part-time, you need to commit a certain number of hours
each week to your business, and then work your business
the full number of hours you committed - no excuses!

One way to manage your schedule is to sit down over the
weekend with a calendar and mark the specific hours you
intend to work your business during the upcoming week.
Then, you MUST work your business during the hours you

If the guys call to invite you out for a beer during your
scheduled work hours, what will you say?

"Maybe another time. I have to work."

If the girls invite you to go to a movie during your
scheduled work hours, what will you tell them?

"I can't this time, I have to work."

And, if you are married (especially if you have children),
it is a good idea to work in a room with a door. Let your
family know that, when the door is closed, you are working
and they shouldn't disturb you unless it's a life and
death emergency.

Remember, your business is a real job and requires a time
commitment from you. If you need to, make yourself a time
card to track your hours. Do whatever it takes to
discipline yourself to work the hours you committed to
your business each and every week.

A word of caution: don't get caught up in using your
scheduled time to push papers and clean your desk. You
should spend your precious work hours performing actions
that will generate results for your business!!

2. Persistency

We all have ups and downs in life. In fact, our emotions
change from moment to moment. No matter how you are
feeling, you must work your business at the scheduled
times, just as you would if you were going to a regular

In addition, life has a way of throwing obstacles in our
path. Many persons stop when they reach an obstacle, and
they never get where they want to in life. On the other
hand, persons who keep on going in spite of the
obstacles before them reap great rewards.

You MUST go around obstacles to reach the rewards and,
the larger the reward, the larger the obstacle you will
encounter. EVERYONE encounters obstacles, and you will
probably encounter a multitude of obstacles in your

Surprising Fact: Persons who earn $20,000 and more each
month have down times too times when they feel their
businesses are kidding! So, IGNORE your
emotions and the obstacles in your path. Focus on
completing the tasks that generate results, and NEVER

3. Patience

As much as we all would like to be able to start a
business and begin raking in a huge profit a couple of
months later, that is just not how life works. Building
a stable and profitable business takes time and patience.

A traditional business takes 3 to 5 years to get into
profit. A network marketing business usually takes 1 to
2 years. Whatever type of business you are building, for
the first several months it will feel like you are wasting
your time and money because you won't see any noticeable
results. This is NORMAL!

No matter what type of business you build, it takes a
while to build build a customer or prospect
base, to build product recognition and trust, and to train
your employees or associates so they can add to the growing
momentum. To be a success in business, you must also be
realistic about what to expect.

Yes, you can build a profitable business that can make you
wealthy beyond your wildest dreams, but don't expect to
make a million in your first year. Would you really be
disappointed if it took you 10 years before you earned your
first million?

Yes, there are many people earning $10,000 a month or more
and you can too...but not after only working for 2 to 3
months. Give yourself a few years to reach that point.

No matter how long it takes you to make the big money, it
will probably take you much less time to make much more
money with your own business than with a regular job. So,

About the Author

Holly specializes in teaching others how to build multiple
streams of income on the internet using automation.
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