Jumpstart Your Home-Based Business This New Year

The beginning of a new year can be a great time for your home-based business. There are many ways that you can use this time of year to begin new growth and continue the rush from the holiday season.

For many people, January is the time of year that they reflect upon their lives. New Year’s resolutions are made and goals for the New Year are set. Many women in our society are unhappy in the corporate world and seeking to make a change and enter the home-based working world. What better time of year to be presenting your home-based business opportunity as often as possible?

There are many ways to go about the task of increasing your business and recruiting. Take time before the New Year begins to make a list of strategies that you can implement to get your name out there. Also, think about what small changes you can make to increase customer loyalty, repeat business and other business aspects like these.

If your goal is to increase recruitment for business partners, consider finding a Leads program in which to take part. Many times these programs can provide you with interested home-based business seekers with which to share your business opportunities. Look for a program that is suited to your particular business or beliefs. There are many different types of Leads programs available on the internet – take the time to find the one that suits you, your business and your budget best.

A great recruiting tool is to sponsor contests. You can do this both online and in your local area. This can create a “buzz” about your business and provide you with names of people who might be interested in your business opportunity. One “out of the box” way that I have heard of the contest sponsorship idea being done is to put contest entry boxes in local women’s fitness clubs or places that would fit your particular business. Use “Customer Care Cards” as the entry forms so that you can collect the name, address, phone number and email address of the person entering your contest. Follow up with a phone call to each and every entry. Some may be interested in hosting a party for you or in hearing about your business opportunity.

Maybe your goal this New Year isn’t recruitment, but sales growth. Make a list of creative ways that you can encourage customers to consider your products. You can jumpstart this year’s sales by offering “After Christmas” specials, after-purchase freebies, contests and more.

One way that many home-based business owners online neglect to take advantage of is the signature line in emails and when posting in forums. This can be a great tool to advertise your business, specials and contests. I receive many emails from business owners who do not include a signature line with their business name, and sometimes they fail to even put their name at the end of the email! This is not only unprofessional, but makes it much more difficult to find out more about their business. Every email sent this way is a potential sale lost.

The “freebie” is another great sales booster. Everybody (especially women) loves to get something for nothing. Consider offering a small thank you token when a purchase is made. No matter how inexpensive the value of the “freebie” may be, it can still be a great incentive! It can also foster customer loyalty and repeat business.

If you have an online business reciprocal linking can be a great way to jumpstart business. The more sites that link to yours, the more visits your website will receive. Linking also helps you place higher in Search Engine listings. Take the time to search for sites with similar content and request a link exchange. This is almost always a win-win situation for both sites.

Jumpstarting your business for the New Year can be a challenge, but if you take the time to be creative and put some effort towards it, it can be very rewarding. Use the resources available in this information age: Leads Programs, Link Exchanges and signature lines. God Bless you in the New Year!

About the Author

Jill is the author/editor of Christian Work at Home Moms, http://www.CWAHM.com.