Keeping the customer satisfied

Why have bad reviews at all...

Just recently received this question:
"I saw your site and was really impressed. The plans and prices you offer are very compatible. I continued to look through your site and found good and bad reviews, fortunately more good than bad. But, if you are really good, then why do you have bad reviews at all?"
It was an amazing question, and made us think for a minute - "If you are really good then why have bad reviews at all?"

Well, we're not perfect, we try to be, but its likely not possible, we have many clients with varying degrees of expectations. There is a saying, "You can keep all customers happy for some of the time, and some customers happy all of the time, but not all customers happy all of the time". This is so true, for whatever business you are in.

The web hosting industry is only 3 years old and many of the large web hosts face similar problems. There are many challenges using Windows NT and trying to host a number of clients running ASP/PHP and databases on the same system. Every bad review you read is just an indication of the 'happening' and 'date', of those individual challenges.

Every web host has problems from time to time, but we at have the people, expertise, passion and interest to solve these problems or challenges. Each individual problem has to be identified and then solved, unfortunately sometimes, this requires more time and further research into more technically advanced solutions, and the clock is ticking.

These occasional problems are too much for some clients of which a few will leave with a negative image in their mind, the usual result being, bad reviews.

These problems are taken very seriously though, we continually try to learn something from them and this usually results in another major step forward in understanding this business.

Some of the results from our past lessons are, we have installed more servers; re-written many support procedures and automated the time wasters; fixed many bugs and rewritten programs for the back end system. We have written many new functions in our backend system; hired more support staff; given updated training to current support staff, added shifts to cover 24-hour periods and increased bandwidth.

We are thankful for, and appreciate, the patience and co-operation shown by clients during these tough challenges. We are overwhelmed by customers who have, not only shown great patience and co-operation, but have actually taken the time to write favorable reviews about the efforts of, in tough times.

We are real proud to boast these type of clients, and hope we get many more of them.

About the Author

Sanjay Sharma -
Copyright - 1997-2002