Learned Any Secrets Lately

Learned Any "Secrets" Lately?
by Cathy Bryant
Copyright 2002

I mean, REAL secrets about business success - the ones that
will make you rich?

You know as well as I that there really isn't any such thing
as a secret - just a truth that you haven't discovered yet.
(I read that somewhere and I don't know who said it - but it
is profound).

The SECRET is - discover your own truths - the ones that
will help grow your business. Use your imagination; it's
amazing what the mind can conjure up if we slow down and
listen to our natural intuition.

Having been in various businesses over the years, I have
learned that opportunities exist everywhere! For example,
just recently my daughter signed a lease on an apartment in
her college town, only to discover two weeks before she was
to move in that major repairs needed to be made. When we
asked the landlord about it, he refused to do them - and
also refused to let her out of the lease.

Naturally, that prompted good ol' mom to undertake a serious
investigation of the options my daughter had to get out from
under this lease so that she could find a more suitable place
to live.

And guess what I discovered?

That this landlord had violated a federal statute when he
failed to provide her with something he is required by law
to give her when renting this particular type of rental

But he didn't do it deliberately - he just wasn't familiar
with the law. So if he wasn't familiar with it, how many
OTHER landlords aren't?

See where I'm going here?

My research further revealed that only about 30% of landlords
are complying with this regulation, even though the law has
been in effect since 1996. And if it is discovered that they
are not providing this information to lessees, they can be
subject to substantial fines and penalties - up to $10,000
per violation.

So do you think they might spend $15-$20 on a packet that

a) informs them of this law,
b) provides information regarding compliance with the law, and
c) includes a copy of the form they are to provide tenants?

I think they might.

Just one example of how an everyday occurrence can put the
germ of an idea in one's mind about another unique way to
earn money.

Finding a need somewhere - no matter how obscure you may
think it is - means that someone needs to fill it. Perhaps
that someone could be you!

Don't be afraid to let your mind "wander." Although you may
think it's a waste of time, daydreaming about business
opportunities and ways to generate an income can bring to
the surface ideas that may never occur to you otherwise.

And that's what being an entrepreneur is all about!

About the Author

Cathy Bryant has been marketing online since the last century!
Let her show you that an old dog CAN learn new tricks -
subscribe to her long-running newsletter, the HomeBizJuncton
Herald, and learn how you too can become successful from home.