Looking for Angels

Don't have the money to start your business? Then, maybe an angel will
come to your rescue.

Angel investors will provide capital for new businesses and are
particularly beneficial for those entrepreneurs who need small amounts
of start-up money. If you need a few thousand dollars, you aren't
attractive to venture capitalists but angels will listen to your

Your company needs to be a fast grower to attract angels. Angels are
looking for investment opportunities that will provide a good return
and they will take personal interest in you and your business. If you
can offer a better return on their money than more typical
investments, your business will be very attractive to angels.

To succeed in getting angel financing, you will need a top-notch
business plan and a polished oral presentation. An angel will look at
your idea carefully, but will also look at you and your passion. If
you aren't excited about your business, don't expect an angel to be
thrilled either.

The search for financing may be lengthy, so don't give up. If one
angel says no, move on to another. A negative response doesn't mean
that your idea is bad. The next person your speak to may think it's

Finding angels isn't as hard to find as you might think. They are your
neighbors, the store owner around the corner, retired executives;
everyday people for the most part. Start your search for your own
angel at these sites:

International Angel Investors Institute

University Angels

Angel Directory

About the Author

Sue Lewis
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