Make The Right Hire

Make The Right Hire

How many times have you had an employee quit and then immediately feel desperate to fill the slot that was just vacated? Unfortunately, it's an all too common occurrence in today's workplace.

There are a number of things you can do to help you get through the trying times while hiring a replacement but there is also the danger of hiring just about anyone that walks through the door just to get the job filled. Don't do this!

Take the time necessary to hire the right person for the job. The actual cost of turnover is much greater than most employers realize so the first line of defense should always be to make every effort to retain your current employee, assuming he/she was performing their duties at an acceptable level.

If you aren't successful at keeping your present employee, the following tips will help guide your selection:

1. Make sure that your other employees are aware of the job opening. Referrals from current employees usually are better candidates than cold prospects coming through the door.

2. If the position is above entry level, look at your current employees and determine if one of them would be a good applicant for promotion. It's much easier to fill entry-level jobs.

3. Be sure to use some type of general IQ or aptitude test. There is absolutely no way to sit and talk with an applicant and know whether they can actually read, write and perform mathematical calculations. (I always recommend the Wonderlic Personnel test for this purpose)

4. Punctuality is a key indicator of how an employee will act once hired. If an applicant is late for an appointment, dismiss them from consideration unless they have an incredibly good reason.

5. Appropriate attire should always be worn to an interview. Dirty, scruffy clothing, rags or hats, and other unsuitable clothes should immediately dismiss an applicant from consideration.

6. Listen carefully as the applicant explains why they left their previous job(s). Someone that continually has problems with supervisors and/or co-workers will probably have the same conflicts with your company. Don't hire an obvious problem no matter how desperately you need help.

7. Always hire someone that you find likable. You don't need to become bosom buddies but you must be able to work with them in a harmonious environment.

8. Create a job description that you can give to your applicants. A properly written job description will answer a great deal of questions and eliminate later problems if the person is hired.

9. Take the time to check references. Previous employers can give you a much clearer description of an applicant's ability, a great deal more than personal references.

10. Always make your job offer in writing. This will preclude any misunderstandings.

Take the time to make quality hires and your business will reflect your time and effort in the performance of your employees and your company's bottom line.

About the Author

Mike Burstein has been writing for the SOHO and Small Business market for over 10 years. He has helped countless small business owners solve start up problems, create best practices, automate their offices, get free publicity and dramatically increase traffic and sales.

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