Make Your Employees Adore You!

Follow this advice, and you will have employees that will adore you!

Loyal and happy employees are eager to please your customers. And happy customers mean more sales!

As an employer, there are some things that you need to make sure to do for your employees so they will be loyal to you.

Show your appreciation. Always be sure to tell your employees "Thank you! You're doing a great job!" Those few words are like magic.

Those few words tell your employees that they are really appreciated by you, their boss. They look up to you. Remember that.

If you look them in the eyes while telling them that, then they are yours.
Even if you never hear those words yourself from your own boss, make sure to say thank you to your employees.

If you get a chance, brag about how well that your employees are doing. Make sure to do it within earshot. That way, they will hear that you really are proud of them.

Is it time for reviews already?

Make sure to perform regular reviews. During those reviews, do be sure to take the opportunity to tell the employee how much he/she is appreciated.

Find out what his/her goals are and see if there may be any way that your company can help the employee achieve those goals. Your employees will greatly appreciate this.

Do this to prevent employee turnover.

Make sure to specify beforehand your performance expectations up front for each job category. Give details. Don't scare them away, but be specific.
Before you even hire someone, give the applicant the opportunity to back out. It is much better to not hire someone than hire someone that can?t perform to your expectations.

Also, a lot of employees are lost due to the fact that they had no clue what their employer expected of them. You don't want to waste your time and money. Do you?

Do you have regular schedules?

Make sure that you have stable schedules. If you can't, then tell potential employees up front. Don't do the old 'lets play we'll wreak havoc on your schedule and life' game. Nothing runs employees off faster than having their schedules constantly re-arranged.

Never play favorites.

Never play favorites because it will backfire on you. Employees resent a boss who isn't fair. I am sure that in your past a boss that played favorites has employed you. Did you like it?

Of course not! is a place where you can go for free articles about customer service and employee loyalty.

Written by S Carson, All rights reserved.

About the Author

After being in management for several years, I learned what it really takes to gain customer and employee loyalty. My articles were written for those managers and business owners that are looking for advice and tips on how to have even more loyal customers and employees. And because...

...the way I see it, if you don't care about what your customers and employees think, then you might as well close your business doors for good.