Money - Money - and More Money

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Money - Money - and More Money

For over 20 years I have been fascinated with what it really takes to make a lot of money. I realized a long time ago that if someone else could do something or achieve something...then the least that could happen was that I could copy what they did... and get a similar... or better result.

In my younger years, making Money was on top of my list so I became a very good student. But what I have discovered in my search is that it's not just the people with the college degrees or the most potential who make the most money.

For example, you and I both could probably name some people who we think are smarter than we are, yet who don't make as much money as we do. And we also could probably name some people who we think aren't as smart as we are, but who make more money.

I was VERY fortunate that I had the desire to earn a lot of money...just as I hope you do. The reason I say that is because money is not hard to make if you understand how. But more than having just desire, I found a few mentors who really knew what making money was really all about; they were making millions, so I wanted to make millions.

As a matter of fact, I decided at the age of 22... that I was going to be a millionaire! I had no idea how.... but I was going to listen to the mentors and then do what they did.

Let me share with you a few simple things I learned that I think will help you on your quest for earning significantly more money. And since the Street Kid part of me wants it simple and fast, everything I do is about getting results now, not in 6 months. So everything you learn from me, you will be able to apply immediately.
So let's begin.


First and foremost...earning a lot of money is not reserved for smart people. It's reserved for people who do the right things - spiritually, mentally and physically, that attract money.

One of the first things you must understand is that the internal belief you have about what you think you can earn, is not your true potential, but a conditioned 'belief' based on your past results and old mental conditioning.

And as a reminder from previous reports... your internal image and conditioning controls what you focus on, attract and see. If you are conditioned to make $35k a year, all you see are opportunities and jobs in line with that image and focus. If you are conditioned to earn $200k a year, then all you are focused on is things that are in line with that financial level.

There is an exact science to earning money that most people have never been taught. I'll give you an example of a couple of the easy rules you must understand for earning money. Without understanding and applying these simple rules, you are working harder than you need to be.

I've been able to help many people significantly increase their financial intake and lifestyle by simply understanding and following the information that here you go...

(Now remember, individually these rules may seem simple. But when you look at the 3'll understand the potential effect they have on how much you can earn.)

Rule One

'Define the overall market potential for the product, service or talent you have'

This is pretty a lot of people need what you do or have...or is it just a few? The more potential there is for what you have or do...the more total money there is for you to attract. For example:

...If you are a doctor, a salesperson, a secretary or a baker...there is a clear need in our society for what you do. The same holds true for professional athletes or musicians. There are some professions and products that have less need than others, therefore less earning potential.

Rule Two

'I get paid in direct proportion to how replaceable I am... or how replaceable my product... or service is'.

In other words - how good are you? This is where earning money starts to get a little competitive.
If you are easy to replace because the entry to what you do is easy, then you have to be very, very good to do well in that field. Otherwise you will have to share the potential intake between lots of people. The harder the entry, the higher the potential intake is because there are fewer people to share it with.

The same is true if you have a product or service that is easy to duplicate. Rarity increases value: - Think of surgeon vs. a general doctor.

- Think of a rare original painting vs. a print.
- Think of an excellent salesperson vs. an 'OK' one.
- Think of how much Michael Jordan earns vs. a rookie...
- Think of any service you currently use that is so-so vs. another one that is excellent.

Who do you prefer to do business with? These 3 question areas should get you thinking about some of the basic stuff like...

1. How good is your product or service? If you aren't the best, or close.... then why not?

2. What reasons are you 'internally' telling yourself for not being better? What is this costing you in financial intake and your life style?

3. Plain and simple - is your product, service or talent easily replaceable?

Rule Three

'I get paid in direct proportion to how many people I can get to use and pay me for products, services or my talent.'

Think about this for a moment; compared to other people in your line of work, how good are you at getting people to know what you do and what you have to offer (your products and services lines)? And how good are you at getting them to use your products or services?

If you are honest with yourself about the answers... I think you'll agree that in one or more of the areas...there is room for improvement.

I'd like you to imagine what it would be like to double or triple your intake or revenues right now, what would you buy, where would you go, what would you have that you don't right now?

I ask you these questions because I was asked them when I was 21. I liked the answers I came up with, so I decided to really go for it and learn and do what was needed.

If you don't keep growing and learning, you've made an internal agreement with yourself that you are fine with how much money you are earning right now and with what you've got right now.

Until next week...

Create a great day!

About the Author

John Assaraf, aka The Street Kid is a New York Times & Wall Street
Journal Best-Selling Author, Trainer & Entrepreneur. Go to: to discover his "Secrets To Building A
Multi-Million Dollar Business – Guaranteed!" Go to: to register for your No-Cost
eCourse, "The Science Of Making Tons Of Dough."