MRI Brainwashing

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MRI Brainwashing

By Stephen Bucaro

A good advertising copywriter can conjure up just the
right words and phrases to convince you to part with your
hard earned money. They make the product or service sound
much better than it really is. This is referred to as
"puffing". Unfortunately, sometimes puffing degrades into

Most people don't pay close attention to radio and TV
commercials anymore. This doesn't bother the advertisers
as much as you might think because if you're not paying
close attention you're not performing critical thinking.
The advertiser's message can slip through your "BS" filter
into your subconscious mind.

Back in 1957, a test was run at a theater in Fort Lee, New
Jersey, to see if subliminal messages worked. The idea was
to flash messages on the screen so briefly that they are
not consciously perceived by the viewers. The messages
"Eat Popcorn" and "Drink Coke" where flashed on the screen.
The sales of cola increased by 18% and the sales of popcorn
increased by 58% when the subliminal messages where used.

It is very common for advertisements to contain subliminal
messages. Look closely at the ice cubes in the glass in
any liquor advertisement. No - you don't have a perverted
mind. The shapes in the ice couldn't be created by random

The advertising industry has studied the psychology of
colors for many years. For example, studies have shown that
the colors yellow and orange tend to pique your appetite.
Notice how many fast food companies use the colors yellow
and orange for their stores and their packaging.

Now, students at the California Institute of Technology are
having their brains scanned by an MRI (magnetic resonance
imaging) machine while they view different advertisments.
The machine displays the activity in different parts of
their brain. Advertisers want to learn what shapes, colors,
and images create the most "brain buzz". This is called

Evolution has designed your brain to react in specific ways
to specfic shapes, colors, and images. The goal of
neuromarketing is to create advertising that your brain is
unable to resist. Like a brainwashed prisoner, the
advertisement will program you to buy the product.

Neuromarketing will allow advertisers to bypass your
rational thinking and individual choice in consumer
decisions. Businesses no longer need to worry about
offering a quality product or good value. If you look at
the advertisement, your brian will be nerologically
programmed to make you purchase the product, as if you
where in a hypnotic trance. When advertisers tell you to
buy a product, you will comply. Resistance is futile.

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