New and Improved... Or Is It

Twice in the last two weeks, I have come across articles where
he author is celebrating "A New, More Effective Way to Promote
Your Business on the Web."

Exhuberant, I opened each article expecting to see something
new and interesting. On both counts, I was disappointed. Both
articles offered nothing new... just the same ol' hash,

I guess the wisest man around, knew about the Internet well
before it was created. Solomon spoke well when he said, "There
is nothing new under the sun."

To some people new to the Internet, or new to promotion on
the Internet, these people come across as Internet geniuses
who have discovered a great new technique for promotion.
Granted, for the reader who has never seen these techniques,
they are in fact seeing a new technique.

For the newbie to the world of Internet promotion and marketing,
they have discovered a new marketing guru to pay attention to.
But, what happens when down the road, this same newbie sees
the same author claim "New and Improved" once again but
this time the newbie isn't a newbie and recognizes the "New
and Improved" technique is only a rehash of the same ol' hash?

Don't you think that this person might feel cheated?

I expect that they will, if they ever discover that they were
misled in the first place. Most will never make the connection,
but those who do will definately look at this marketing guru
from that day forward with distrust in his eyes.

If you have ever been known to use the words "New" and "Improved"
to sugar your headlines, ad body or articles, take notice and be

Your reputation is far more valuable to your long-term success
than the profits that can reaped through using the words "New"
and "Improved" dishonestly to get someone's attention.

"There is nothing new under the sun."

About the Author

Bill Platt is co-owner of Double Eagle Business Center (DEBC).
By providing an honest and well thought out MLM Opportunity, DEBC
meets all the legal requirements for an online MLM plus offers
products and services which can support any online business
along with an innovative and a high percentage (75%) commission
payout to Affiliates.,30