There’s no such thing as a free lunch! This is especially true in Internet
Marketing and e-commerce. How many times do you receive blatant SPAM about
the latest "Just sign up for FREE, we’ll do the rest and you’ll make
millions" deal?

Do you really BELIEVE this hype?

I’m guessing (hoping) that you don’t! I’m guessing (hoping) that you can’t
hit the delete key fast enough!

You just can’t get something for nothing.

I recently read a story that said that the "Success Family has Work as the
father and Integrity as the mother. If you can get along with the parents,
you won’t have any trouble with the rest of the family."

What you do need to know is that you don’t always have to work harder, but
you do have to work smarter!

If you want to be successful in Internet Marketing, you must find someone
who has already blazed the trail and been successful. Study them, learn from
them, ask them questions, listen to their answers and model them.

I can guarantee you that every one of them will tell you that they didn’t
get a free lunch. They worked hard before they figured out how to work

And, another interesting thing to note is that you won’t hear any of them
offering you the latest "do nothing and get paid" program. They will each
clearly lay out for you what needs to be done in order for you to be

Every success story has evolved from a dream or idea, a plan and the elbow
grease to get it done.

The great success stories of our time didn’t sit back and let someone else
do all of the work.

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Jeff Bezos, to name a few, all worked their tails
off, and still do, to some degree.

The first thing you must do is quit looking for that get-rich-quick scheme,
or the program that’s going to pay you for doing nothing.

Find something that is real, legal, legitimate and offers people something
of value! After all, you want something that you can be proud of associating
your name with and something that will be around next week, next month and
next year!

Write out a simple business plan of what you want to achieve in five years,
two years and one year. Then, determine what you will do each and every day
to get you there.

Finally, work like there is no tomorrow to achieve these goals.

I promise you that you will be able to look back and feel a sense of pride
and success over fulfilling your goals!

So, the next time you get one of those silly emails promising you the moon
on a silver platter, just hit delete and get back to your success plan!

About the Author

Jackie Ulmer, a veteran Home Business Owner, has coached thousands of men
and women on starting a successful home business. Her free newsletter
provides ongoing tips, resources and options for home businesses. Subscribe
by email to
She can be reached through her web site at