Nothing For Nothing

One of the best things about writing articles is connecting with people. Sometimes Internet marketing can seem like an impersonal, sterile world.

People will write me asking for advice. The main thing they want to know is how to be "successful" in Net marketing.

One thing that strikes me about the people who write me is that very few want to spend the money or invest the time necessary to be "successful." They seem to want instant riches without having to spend a dime or invest a few hours each day.

The other impression I get is that people don't seem to want to educate themselves about online marketing. They want the answers for making money handed to them on a platter without having to actually do or learn anything.

I want to share with you correspondence between myself and one person who contacted me. He requested some information on how to be "successful" in online promotion. The first thing I did was ask him some questions. They were:

- How long have you been in Internet marketing?
- What are you promoting?
- Are you promoting affiliate programs? If so, how many?
- Or...are you promoting your own product?
- What methods do you use to advertise (FFA's, classified ads, ezine ads, etc)?
- What learning tools do you use (ezines, informational websites, membership programs, etc)?
- How many hours a day are you able to devote to Net marketing?
- Why ARE you in Net marketing?
- What are your goals..what do you want from this?
- Is this a passion or a means to an end?

To this person's credit, he did answer all of my questions. 99% of the time, people don't bother and I never hear from them again.

At the end, he said, "Okay, I have answered your answer mine." That struck me as a bit abrupt. But I know from my own experience that when we type we can be thinking one thing and it can come out much different than we intended. So I gave him benefit of the doubt. I answered his questions.

He then asked me if I would take the time to critique his website. Which I did.

It was a replicated website which meant it was for an affiliate program. These were what I saw as weaknesses in the website:

- The salesletter was confusing. I had no clear idea how this program would benefit me.
- There were no testimonials.
- There was no written guarantee.
- There was no contact address or phone number.

But the worse thing about this website is this person was using a HotMail account as his email address! I told him that most people would not take this program seriously because he was using a "throw away" email address.

In response, he wrote:

- He could change the email account when he found a better option, but that he didn't see that as an immediate problem.
- That most of the marketing for this program was done offline. The website was for people outside of Australia. That within Australia, more details were given. (Then why market outside of the country if you're not going to give people complete details?)
- That there were testimonials on the Members Only Discussion Board (They've already bought the program. Why do THEY need testimonials?)
- Regarding the lack of a guarantee.he said (and I quote), "No network marketing company EVER gives one of these." (I beg your pardon?)

And this person wants to set up "shop" online and have it generating money 24/7, without his direct involvement?

I came away from this experience thinking that he may have wanted advice but he wasn't willing to listen. I also thought he wasn't willing to invest even a small amount of money in order to earn money...nothing for nothing. He was just looking for a sure-fire answer to quick money.

The latter is a feeling I often have with people who write me. Success is not given...Success is EARNED. If you don't have much money, then you'll have to spend your time. If you do have some money, then you can spend less time. But you'll see better results if you invest both time and money. I'm not saying don't use free resources to advertise. Just be realistic; it may take you longer to reach your goals going that route.

When I started out in Internet marketing, I put aside a set amount of money for advertising. It wasn't much; just what I felt I could afford at the time. I learned and continue to learn as much as I can about marketing. As long as I'm in online promotion, I will be a student.

At this point, I take some of the profits I make each month and reinvest it into more advertising. My ad tracking tells me what is working and what's a waste of time and money. It's been a slow build, but every month it gets better and better.

We will get out of Internet marketing exactly what we put into it; there is no "free ride." If you think there is, then you will get...Nothing For Nothing.

"The successful person is the individual who forms the habit of doing what the failing person doesn't like to do." Donald Riggs

About the Author

Jo McNamara lives in Orlando, FL with 8 cats and 1 husband.
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when I first started out...I would have saved myself countless,
wasted hours and more money than I care to think about!"