Operating a small business WITHOUT accountants, lawyers etc...

The average small business owner in the United States now spends
between 35%
and 45% of their time handling just the employee related paperwork. The
small business owner has the burden of running payroll, buying workmans
compensation insurance, providing employee health insurance, processing
tracking and filing all payroll taxes, mailing all forms on time,
maintaining compliance
with all federal, state and local laws and defending you and your
company against
workers compensation claims and audits just to name a few!

Usually, a small business owners lawyer is in one city and
accountants in
another city. Payroll is done by ABC payroll in yet another city. Now
business has to deal with soaring workmans comp., and employee health
costs. It's no wonder small businesses fail. And it's fast becoming a
trend to NOT
start a small business at all. Who can keep up with all this chaos and
still earn a
measly profit anymore?

Well folks, it's the 21 century and it's time you started running
your small business
that way! To continue plodding along without upgrading your business
practices will certainly doom your dreams of wealth. Don't believe me?
Just continue your daily
rut of paperwork and dealing with employee problems and in a year or so
compare your business with your competitors who have upgraded and see
for yourself
who is playing golf all day and who isn't.

So how does one upgrade their small business from wasting time and
money the
"old" 20th century way to the new 21st century way of doing business
that wastes
zero time and earns you profits beyond your wildest dreams?

It's simple and you can start today...
By firing your lawyer(s), accountant(s), human resource managers,
benefits manager,
risk managers and information managers. Thats right, fire them! And
outsource all
of these tasks to a Professional Employment Organization! Or a P.E.O.
for short.

A P.E.O. manages the "business of employees" so you can manage your
for bottom-line profits! If your competitor is already using the
services of a P.E.O.,
35% to 45% of their time is spent earning profits and not dealing with
Is that the type of competitor you want to go head to head with? The
with a huge advantage over you? I would tend to think NOT.

And your competitors employees are receiving fortune 500 quality
health benefits
that keeps them happy and on the job working hard while your employees,
if lucky
get low rated health benefits if any at all. Your competitor makes one
phone call
to one P.E.O. and EVERYTHING is taken care of. Period.

Of course there is so much more to a P.E.O. then could be explained
here. So
Im encouraging all small business owners who are looking for the 21st
way of doing business to further educate yourselves by getting the full
details of
how a P.E.O. can turn your sagging profits into the bottom-line gains we
will all
need to survive in these trying times.

About the Author

Steve Hartung
P.E.O. Brokerage Referral network.
(A FREE service to small business.)
(Use code: 001025 to enter site.)
3003 valmont rd. 8
Boulder, CO. 80301