P Your Way To Online Business Success!

My name is Jeff Schuman from Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
In the last 10 years I have made over $30 million dollars in gross sales!
During that time I began to analyze what it took to actually make a sale.
Ultimately I came up with my own "Amazing Sales Formula" that were the 6 elements present in the sales process that led to a sale of products or services!

I have ended up putting these into a FREE 8 day eCourse which I titled
"P" Your Way To Online Business Success" with Products, People, Pricing,
Promotions, Persistence and Profits.

When I had all 6 of these "P" words in place and working in my favor I could not fail. If I left even one of these out, I found my sales closing percentage went down. It became even more apparent to me when I began to develop my own internet marketing company that I had to have all 6 of these "P" words in place and working in my favor online as well.

Every successful internet marketing company has a great product. People will buy almost anything if they have a need, an interest or a desire. If you can get 2 of these 3 working in your favor than your closing percentage will go up. I always found that was more easily accomplished when I was working with a great product.

Then I found that to me working with mentors that could teach me how to become successful selling my product was the next important step. This is especially true in internet marketing. There are millions of products being sold every day on the world wide web. How do you compete? How do you make people aware of your great product?

I always look for the top dog in the field I am selling in. Align yourself to them anyway you can. Subscribe to their FREE newsletters. Buy their books.
Pick up the phone and call them. Get involved with them anyway you can.
They are the movers and shakers that have the experience only time and effort can teach.

When you have a great product and are involved with the right mentors, the next steps will begin to fall into place. Every product has to be priced right for the market you are in. Fortunately home businesses have many benefits when it comes to pricing. Keeping your overhead down and using home business tax benefits to fund your business will help keep your pricing at a competitive level from the very beginning.

Developing a successful marketing program to promote your product is always
the big question mark in the "Amazing Sales Formula"! This process never ends. And it will change over time. The key is to be persistent and to keep your eyes on the end result. We all need to turn a profit in our businesses every day. Many people will quit before they ever get to that level of profitability.

If you will continue to work every day and keep your eyes on the 6 "P" words
then you to can have a successful online business turning a profit and allowing you the benefits that come from the "Amazing Sales Formula!

About the Author

Jeff Schuman is the President of TeamSchuman.Com. He publishes a FREE eNewsletter called TeamSchuman Marketplace! He has made over $30 Million Dollars in sales in the last 10 years. His popular eCourse "P" Your Way To Online Business Success" is available for FREE by sending a blank email to: marketplaceinfo@listwarrior.com