Profit From Information

In today’s information age, more people are learning to turn their intellectual property into lifetime streams of income. “Infopreneurs”, as they are known, are creating and selling information products in the form of books, newsletters, reports, e-books, audio tapes/CD’s, and subscription based web sites. Creating this information usually means writing on a subject that you have some expertise or passion on. Occasionally, this information doesn’t have to be your own.

Robert Allen in his book, “Multiple Streams of Income”, shares a story of Cindy Cashman who took an old idea, added some creativity to it and made over $1 million. She wrote a 96 page book entitled, Everything Men Know about Woman without using a publisher. The funny part - the book is completely blank!

Stan Miller had collected quotes from the time he was 16 years old up until he was married. For Christmas one year, he and his wife decided to gather all of the quotes he had saved over the years and have them printed and bound to give out as Christmas gift books. The books were such a hit, that they eventually sold 1 million copies.

Dan Miller has told the story of one of his clients who wrote an 8 page pamphlet on How To Land An Airplane Safely. After running an ad in flying magazines, he made $12,000 in about 6 months. A few years ago, one woman ran a two line ad in a couple of magazines advertising her information on 101 Ways To Fix Hamburger for the small fee of $2.95. She made thousands of dollars from this simple idea. She did the same thing with another on 101 Ways To Fix Chicken.

Simple ideas like these are a great way to earn both part time and full time incomes. Just like any business, however you must first discover if there is a market for your product. What area of expertise do you have that might meet the needs of a large body of interested people?”

About the Author

Jonathan Taylor, specializes in helping people in every stage of their lives to find more meaning and purpose in their work. He believes that to find that purpose and meaning, a person's interests, skills, passions, and goals must integrate seamlessly with their work.
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