Promoting Business on CD Pt. 2

"Promoting Business on CD (Pt. 2)"

Subtext: Instead of traditionally distributing your business's sales info by sending it on paper via postal mail, revolutionize and upgrade your promotion by letting prospects now 'hear' and 'see' your business.

In Part 1, we introduced the idea of promoting your business by taking your sales information, as well as various other elements of your business, and distributing it in one neat package.the compact disc, or as it is commonly referred to.the CD. We also used the industry of Cosmetology as an example, citing seven key and vital elements we introduced for consideration.

This is vital information that you need in order to provide your customers with any updates to your products, services, prices or any other changes that might occur. And, speaking of the provision of updates, you should also consider starting a newsletter for this purpose as well if you have not yet done so.

Again, you also want to be sure your CD contains as much vital information for people who don't have online access although, practically anyone with a computer these days, also has access.

This aspect of promotion could serve to either offset and eliminate any print, radio or television advertisement costs you currently have, or serve to complement them. Your overall production costs (bulk rate price and time spent copying files) on the compact disc will probably be between $.30 and $.40 per unit.

If you distribute, say, 1000 info CDs at a cost of $400, and gain merely 10% (100) new customers, I believe you will find that the $400 will be a very wise and worthwhile investment, not to mention that you can continue and/or repeat the process as often as you wished.

And, if you happen to reside in a small rural area, you could experience great results by simply distributing your CD information countywide, or regionally.

Again, this promotional analogy is applicable to, virtually, any business. Further examples include:

1. Auto dealerships working with car parts suppliers, or vice versa.

2. Lawn services working with lawn mower repair shops, or vice versa.

3. How about photography services including their CD of info in their yearly school/student packages?

4. Even in an agricultural community, feed stores could include a CD of their info in farmers' purchases.

5. Why not even go a couple of steps farther by placing audio files or, perhaps, even video files on the CD as well?

Your audio could include your voiceover giving a welcome to the prospect at the beginning, and serve as a direction to the various business elements on your disc. Likewise, your video could integrate animated video for an even more pleasing experience for your prospective client.

As I stated previously, virtually, everyone, in all areas of your community has a computer and/or the availability of online access through friends, relatives, area schools, libraries, etc. And, the creativity of any part of the promotional CD is only limited by your imagination.

So, why not truly give some serious thought to bringing the marketing and promotion of your business into the 21st Century? At the very least, your promotion via CD should certainly get you noticed far above your area competition.

Copyright © 2002 Kenny Love Enterprises All Rights Reserved

About the Author

Kenny Love owns and manages Kenny Love Enterprises, a self-improvement cybercenter. He also publishes "The Tipster," a unique proactive self-improvement newsletter. Read the premier issue at Also, get 2 FREE informational gifts, just for subscribing.