Public Relations Toast

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Robert A. Kelly © 2003.

Public Relations: Toast?

Could be, when unit managers in businesses, non-profits
and associations don’t get the really important external
audience behaviors they need to achieve their department,
division or subsidiary objectives.

They’re entitled to wonder where their money went when
they don’t see behaviors like membership applications or
capital contributions on the rise; growing numbers of
engineering firms specifying their components, prospects
newly interested in their products and services, or simply
more repeat purchases.

Those behaviors don’t just happen. They result from a
public relations effort based solidly on a fundamental
premise that works. Like this one: People act on their
own perception of the facts before them, which leads to
predictable behaviors about which something can be done.
When we create, change or reinforce that opinion by
reaching, persuading and moving-to-desired-action the
very people whose behaviors affect the organization the
most, the public relations mission is accomplished.

And then, aggressive implementation.

For example, a comprehensive, workable effort that
persuades the stakeholders who make up your target
external audience, to your way of thinking, thus moving
them to take actions that lead to your success.

Where to start? First, promise yourself that you will stay
involved in your public relations program every step of
the way.

Working with PR staff or agency assigned to your unit,
prepare a list of those outside audiences who behave in
ways that help or hinder you in achieving your objectives.
Then decide among yourselves which behaviors are most
severe, and place that target audience at the head of your list.

So now, you’ve identified your number one target and
you’re ready to go to work. But chances are you and your
public relations team don’t really know how most members
of that target audience actually perceive your organization.

Short of spending significant dollars on professional survey
work, you and your colleagues will have to get out there
and interact with audience members in order to monitor
those perceptions yourself. And that means asking questions
like “Do you know who we are? What do you think of us?
Are you familiar with our products, or services, or our
management? Have you had dealings with us? Do you have
any problems with us?”

You need to stay alert during those Q&A encounters for
negative responses and even negative tones of voice.

Keep you eyes and ears wide open for evasive or hesitant
replies, and especially for untruths, inaccuracies,
misconceptions or potentially destructive rumors. As we know,
such perceptions or beliefs often lead to damaging behaviors.

Now, it’s time to decide which perception needs correcting
the most, and that is the public relations goal you will pursue.
For example, correct that inaccuracy, straighten out that
misconception or correct that hurtful rumor from false to true.

But HOW do you reach that goal? You select a strategy from
among the three available to address perception or opinion
problems: reinforce existing opinion, change that perception,
or create perception/opinion where none exists.

Now here is the most challenging step for you and your public
relations team – prepare the corrective message especially
designed to alter the offending target audience perception.
The message must be clear and truthful, of course. And it
must be both persuasive and compelling if it is to hold the
attention of members of your target audience and really move
specific opinion in your direction.

That was the tough step. Here is an easy one for you and your
public relations people. Select the communications tactics to
carry your newly-minted message to the eyes and ears of
members of your target audience. And there are tons of tactics
out there from speeches, press releases, group briefings and
media interviews to newsletters, op-eds, emails, special events
and so many others. Just make certain each tactic you select
has a proven track record for reaching people similar to those
who make up your target audience.

Soon, you and your PR staff will want to know if the program
is working. And that means one more series of meetings with
folks selected from your target audience. Same questions, but
this time with a big difference. You want clear signs that the
offending perception is actually being altered.

You can always speed up the process by adding more
communications tactics, AND increasing their frequency.

This way, based on a sound fundamental premise, and instead
of “toast,” your public relations effort stands a good chance of
delivering to you those really important external audience
behaviors you need to achieve your department, division or
subsidiary objectives.


About the Author

Bob Kelly counsels, writes and speaks to managers about using the fundamental premise of public relations to achieve their operating objectives. He has
been DPR, Pepsi-Cola Co.; AGM-PR, Texaco Inc.; VP-PR,
Olin Corp.; VP-PR, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.;
director of communications, U.S. Department of the Interior,
and deputy assistant press secretary, The White House.