Quick Tips for Keeping Clients

Creating a Pool:

When a small company (or any company for that

matter, short of a general merchandiser) starts

out, it is especially important to set extra-

tight limits on your target group. Stay focused

only on your strongest target. Right on that

bulls-eye. Then as your business picks up

(which we are hoping it does) you will open you

advertising up gradually around your bulls-eye

(or target-group) a little wider, still

maintaining a focus on your targeted group,

just making the "Pool" a bit wider and a bit


Listen To Your Client or Customer:

The closer you become to your clients, the

better for you and your company. You need to

create a "closeness" between company and client

to literally drench your company with the

thought of your "majority client base". What

they think and want should be how you think and

what you want.

Learn from the Leaders of Your Industry:

One thing a successful company has a hard time

doing is hiding the fact. And why would they?

They want the whole world to know they are

successful, especially their clients and

potential clients. This offers smaller

struggling companies a chance to take a good

hard look at and learn from these success

stories. If you can find a successful company in

your industry, you have a chance right there in

front of you to study a perfect example of what

you can do to better your company. What is their

philosophy of the client and their methods for

serving and maintaining them? What techniques do

they use to keep their clients satisfied? All

matters you should be concerned about?

Hire People that Like Other People:

This may seem like a no-brainer, but is often

over-looked in the hiring process because of

educational background or possibly even previous

work experience. But make no mistake. If you are

in the business of serving clients and this

employee is going to help serve these clients,

he or she "MUST" be very, and I stress, very

outgoing and client oriented. Often the job can

be learned, but your personality you carry with

you always and is virtually impossible to

disguise for very long.

Progress Tracking:

Everybody hates paperwork, myself included. But

this oh-so important monster of society has an

important role in the success of you company. It

is very important to track the progress of each

client as well as your own company. As every

company is different there would be no way I

could tell you what facts and figures you should

be saving, but depending on the type of company

you many want to keep daily, weekly, monthly

and/or yearly. You may keep sales, commissions,

product breakdowns or one a thousand other

figures. You may want graphs, which are great

presentation features. The primary purpose still

comes back to tracking progress. What is doing

well, what is not?

How can we do better?
That's the Million-Dollar Question.
Your Clients expect a Million-Dollar Answer!

Research & Preparation Are Your Two Best Investments!

About the Author

Wild Bill Montgomery