Residual Income

Residual Income

 by: Peter Owen

Hi, I'm Peter Owen, Director and founder of Tall Oak Limited.

We have produced this article to give you a quick insight into how to receive a second income or replace your present income. The key to securing your future and reaching your goals is called a residual income. Residual income flows into your bank account day after day, year after year for work you did 6 months ago.

Sounds Good! Great then lets look how you gain a residual income. The way I approach it is by talking about Network Marketing, I know what you are thinking 'that's pyramid selling isn't it? ‘No! Network Marketing is used by several large companies creating a different way for companies to sell there products and services.

Network Marketing works by distributors or members, telling people about the product or service rather than using high cost advertisements..

Let’s look at an example: I start a restaurant and decide to use network marketing to gain customers, every time someone comes in I give them a card offering them 5% of the total spend by each person they recommend to my restaurant. One person (lets call him Fred) goes away and tells ten people about my restaurant, those ten people spend £500 (about £50 per head) which means at the end of the week Fred receives a cheque for £25 just for telling people about my restaurant. Sounds good doesn't it? That is simply how network marketing works, Different companies have different ways of working out how much you get paid but the principle is the same.

The more people you tell the more you can earn. So why do you need a second income?

Have you seen the reports about having to work till your 70; I don't want to work till I’m 60, let a loan 70.

Is your retirement fund big enough for you to continue to live the life style you want?

Most people think that when they retire there mortgage will have gone, debts will have been paid off, and so they can afford to take a cut in there income WHY?

Why work hard for 45 years then take a pay cut

The way I see it if I worked 45 years of my life I should be able to enjoy my retirement not reduce my life style or leave it as it is, my life should get better.

How many hours a week do you spend with your family and I don't mean sleeping in front of the TV. Would you like more time with your family and go on more holidays?

How about your debt and mortgage do you struggle from month to month and worry about if you can pay the bills each time, wouldn't you like to get rid of your debts and mortgage and I don't mean by going to a loans company and consolidating, that just lengthens the time till there gone.

If any of the above sound familiar then a residual income is the answer.

There are loads of networking companies so why should you choose us to show you how. Well we believe we have found two companies well worth looking at and we will offer you support from day 1 until you ask us to stop, I am not going to go into detail but we will give you a brief idea of both so you can decide which is best for you.

The first is Telecom Plus newly named Telecom Plus the Utilities Warehouse, which is (as the name suggests) a utilities company. They offer a cheaper phone service, the cheapest gas and electric (Yes I said the cheapest not cheaper) only if you save money on your phone as well, not bad hey!!. They also offer Mobile Phones, 0800 numbers and an online shop, selling everything from flowers to TV's.

The second company is World Games Inc, an exclusive online gaming company with a casino, sweepstake and a patented private stock market. World Games Inc is purely internet based and can be run from any computer with internet access. My explanation of World Games Inc may be short but don't underestimate it. World Games is new to the UK and will grow rapidly so join now and ride the wave to success.

I hope I have given you enough information to enable you to see why residual income is so important. Please check out Telecom Plus and World Games Inc by using the links on our web site at or get back to the person who sent you to us.

Don't wait for life to pass you by live your dreams today.