Should You Consider Home Refinance, or Not?

Should You Consider Home Refinance, or Not?

 by: Jay Moncliff

Home refinance seems to be the craze these days with interest rates at all time lows. However, you need to do some home refinance research before you will know if it is for you or not. In general, if you bought a home when interest rates were significantly higher, have great credit, little debt, and always pay your bills on time then you should probably at least consider home refinance. Although, if you meet any of the following criteria then you definitely need to think twice before you decide on a home refinance.

Home Refinance Tip #1 Second Mortgages

If you have a second mortgage and decide on a home refinance then you will likely find yourself paying more than with your original home loan. If you have taken out a second mortgage on your home to help pay other bills then getting a lender to consider a home refinance for you is going to be difficult.

Home Refinance Tip #2 High Debt to Income Ratio

When you apply for a home refinance option then you will have to go through the same qualification procedures you did as when you were approved for your first loan. If you have a high debt to income ratio then it will be unlikely you will be approved for home refinance, and if you are approved for a home refinance it is highly unlikely the terms would be worthwhile.

Home Refinance Tip #3 Bad Credit

Bad credit is generally the main villain when it comes to having a proposed home refinance application denied. So, if you have trouble paying your bills, are making late payments, and your credit score is declining, then you definitely need to get your credit in shape before you consider a home refinance.