Network Marketing has become the Greatest business opportunity for thousands and thousands of people and will continue to bring Great success to thousands more. It is changing the way people make a living by offering a lifestyle of dreams. Just a few of the reasons why this industry is so attractive: Ownership, Support, Training, Versatility, Part time or Full time, Low Overhead, Flexibility, Personal Growth, Unlimited Potential, Fulfillment, etc,etc. That is only a small list of reasons why I have become a part of this exciting, magical industry.

Why then; do negatives exist in this opportunity?
What negatives do you ask?

The lack of heart. Let me explain what I mean. I believe that having heart (or passion) is the only reason why success is achieved in anything. Whether personal or in business, having heart is the key to achieving all of your desires. Having heart in the network marketing business means being dedicated towards people to help them achieve success. I have met, talked to, and read about so many people in this industry that continue to give the industry a black eye. Those who choose only to work with people who: sign up under the highest business building levels, have very deep pockets, have large lists of warm markets, people who are natural salespeople, etc..., it goes on and on.

This puts a serious negative stamp on this wonderful industry and continues the stereotype of pyramid scheme thinking. That hurts all of us. Let me give you an example. I was talking to one of my upline supports (which was a challenge just to get him on the phone). I was just starting out and I was trying to get some much needed support. I didn't want him to baby-sit me, just get me on the right track. He told me on the phone (as he was rushing me off)..."I would rather talk to a business builder that had deep pockets in my downline then to you."

If it wasn't for my heart to stick with it and never give up, my dream of owning a business would have been over. I actually give him credit because he pissed me off enough to never quit. That wasn't his intention by the way. I just wasn't his dream business owner. I am a strong advocate that people who are new to the home based business industry have heart (passion) and it is their responsibility to learn, act and build their business. However, upline supports should remember their own heart (passion). Keep in mind, not only business structures and ideas can be duplicated; but so can upline support teams. To be the best support to their downline, no matter who they are and accept the responsibility they have to help them achieve success no matter what, right from the start!

JP Bonar
CEO AMH Direct

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About the Author

JP Bonar is the CEO of AMH Direct. AMH Direct is the home of the Three Pillar Concept for Success. This unique business opportunity incorporates the ideas of having a business structure, involvement with the wellness industry and self revolution (personal growth) to create a complete, profitable and duplicable home business opportunity.