So, Why Should You Start An Online Business

Why should anyone start an online business?

After it's all boiled down, the major factors are money,
independence, and time.

Money, of course, is the main driving factor for many. We all want to
make more money. I've heard the following from many successful
businessmen and entrepreneurs, and I'll throw my own agreement in
with it as well.

You'll never get rich working for someone else.

Even those with high paying jobs don't rely simply on their salaries.
They all have investment plans and accounts designed to create
further wealth.

Consider these numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics:

(U.S. only) Out of 100 people that start working at age 25, by the
time they reach the age of 65....

63% - need to depend on friends, relatives, or charity

29% - will be deceased

4% - need to work in order to make ends meet

4% - will be financially stable

1% - will be wealthy

REALLY consider those last two numbers. Only 4% will be
financially stable? Only 1% will be wealthy?

I don't know about you, but I plan on being both financially stable
and wealthy, and I plan on achieving it LONG before I'm 65!

Anyone can sit down and calculate out how their life will go with what
they are making at the current time. Even if you manage to have
$1000 a month left after all of your bills and needs are met, after 40
years of working and saving that $1000 you will have enough to buy
yourself ONE nice car.

Is that all your dreams entail, just ONE nice car after 40 years?!
Besides, how many working folks have $1000 left every month with
nowhere to go?

You've got to be doing MORE!

Ok, fine, but why an ONLINE Business?

Independence and time, the other factors in why you should start
your own business are best served online. Once set up, your online
business can run full time, day and night, without you being there.

Online businesses take far less initial capital. My business has two
fixed costs: Internet access and web hosting. That's it, a whopping
$47 a month! Let's see you start your own auto body shop or beauty
parlor on that!

There are many online programs you can immediately tie in to and
'piggyback' on their success as well. Even if you want to completely
own your own site or system, you can begin by learning from other
successful companies as an affiliate, and then continue making money
with them indefinitely.

The Internet also provides for a global market, continuing education,
and freedom in terms of what time you have to put into it. Naturally,
the more you put into it, the more you'll gain, but it does allow for
flexibility and time to grow.

No business is guaranteed to succeed whether online or offline.
Success is completely up to you. However, the Internet provides
easier means of starting out, low investment, flexible hours, a free
education, and potential for extra to wealth building income.

If you have considered working online, but don't know how to
proceed, start by learning. There are opportunities out there that do
offer free training and are excellent ways to start. Find one that fits
your personality and goals and go for it. The more you learn, the
more you'll know what you need to do, and the better your chances
of succeeding.

Right now, your odds of retiring in the financially stable category are

What are you going to do about that?

About the Author

Joe Bingham, Editor of the NetPlay Newsletters
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