So you want to be an Internet Millionaire

So you want to be an Internet Millionaire?

So you got a computer for Christmas and want to make it
pay for itself? For all the Internet “Newbies” I have one
word “Beware”. You will be bombarded daily with messages on
“How to make $50,000.00 per month with XYZ program for
“only” $39.95”.

If anyone tells you that you can make $50,000.00 per month
doing nothing – they are lying to you. Yes, you can make a
living on the Internet, but you will have to work at your
business just as any other business does.

I have been working on the Internet for 2 years and at first
I joined every program that came along. Please don’t make the
same mistakes I did. I spent approximately $2000.00 on
different programs, all promising to make me an Internet success.
What do I have to show for it? A bunch of over-exposed ebooks
and quite a few “affiliate” web sites that haven’t made me a dime.

So with that in mind, I thought I would share my tips for a good
quality program with you.

Tip # 1 – If a program promises you large amounts of money
for doing nothing, run, don’t walk, away from it.

Tip # 2 – Any program you are considering should allow you to
correspond with real people who are already successful with
the program.

Tip # 3 – No program should cost a large amount of money to join.

Tip # 4 – If you do have to spend money to join the program,
they should offer a money back guarantee.

Tip # 5 – The program should offer training and not just
leave you on your own to sink or swim.

Tip # 6 – The program should never, ever condone spamming.
If you do spam, you will not make any money and you run the
risk of being shut down and possibly prosecuted.

Tip # 7 – The program should offer an actual product, not just
a downline building program. If you have a good product at a good
price, you can be successful on the Internet.

Tip # 8 – You should be prepared to spend money on your business.
You will need to market and promote your business just as you
would an offline business.

Tip # 9 – You should have your own domain.
A domain name of your own is essential to success.

Tip # 10 – If possible you should have a mentor who is already
successful. I don’t know what I would do without my mentor.
(Thanks Jan !!!)

Tip # 11 – You should publish a newsletter or Ezine to keep in
contact with potential customers and make sure you offer good,
quality content. No one wants to receive an Ezine that is
nothing but rehashed articles and ads. Limit the number of ads
you run, even if you are selling ad space. I would not put more
than 5 or 6 ads per issue. Always give people an easy way to

If you follow these tips, you can be a success on the Internet.
It won’t happen overnight and anyone who tells you it will is
lying to you. It will take time, money and hard work, but if
you are willing to be patient and work at your business, you
can make it.

You must treat your business as a business, not a hobby.
Make a business plan, plan a budget, make a marketing plan
and plan to give yourself a year to build up a decent business.
If it works out faster, that’s just a bonus.

I wish you all the success you could want and none of the heartaches.

Toni Ceely is the owner of Ceely TeleCom at
and the publisher of Family, Friends and Good Times – The Ezine.
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About the Author

Toni Ceely is the owner of Ceely TeleCom at
and the publisher of Family, Friends and Good Times – The Ezine.
You may subscribe by sending a blank email to: