So you want your own website

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So you want your own website.

So you have been marketing for a few weeks, you are an affiliate of one or two companies and have come to realize that to been successful you are going to need your own website. You are totally confused and have no ideal how to even begin well this article is written for you and for all other newcomers that are in need of a little guidance.
Your first step is to sign up with a good hosting company. There are some that offer free hosting but I would not recommend them. You normally pay monthly and prices and service vary widely so do research different companies its easy to find them on the web.. You do need to feel comfortable with and have confidence in who ever you choose. Now there the question of your Domain name, this is the address of your web site its how people will find the site. Your Domain name can be anything you like just as long as it is not already register to someone else. Have a look at the names you see on the web to give you some ideas. You need to register your name and it will cost you a yearly fee.
Once you have sorted all that out you will find yourself with a web page with nothing else but your domain name on it. Now you need to fill it with content. You can work on the page while its uploaded to the net by going into your file manager and unlocking the site which allows you to work on it, but I think it easier to use Microsoft FrontPage to create your page it’s an excellent program. It allows you to preview your work so every time you make any changes you can check the results. An absolute must if you are only learning the ropes.
All web pages are written in html, which stands for Hypertext Markup language

and is the universal language that all pages are written in. Don’t panic its quite
easy to learn and there are lots of sites on the net which offer tutorials on the subject.

One of the best I found is on HTML Goodies.
Once you have found a tutorial plunge right in there and have a go start off with

simple text and work your way up from there. Before you know it you will be
able to change manipulate and alter the text, add links and banners, and create a

web page. It really is very achievable. If you make mistakes don’t worry about

it you just delete it and start again. Once you have a page you are please with upload to the web and there you have your very first web site it does not matter how simple it is you will improve it as your experience grows.

All the best

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