Speak With E's Part 3

“Educate, Energize, Entertain, and provide an experience
for your audience”

1. Use direct eye contact. You can focus on one person when
making a point… and everyone else in the audience will
think you are speaking to them, too.

2. Don’t just stand behind the lectern move around,
gesture. Be animated. (Fifty-five percent of how people
perceive you is by body language; 38 percent by your voice;
7 percent by your words.)

3. If you are telling a story, assume the posture of the
character you are acting out. For example, if you are
talking about babies then look like one and sound like one.

4. Humor helps. Humor especially if it is self-deprecating,
often wins over an audience. Example: When president
Kennedy was asked how he became a war hero, he responded,
“It was involuntary. They sank my boat.”

5. When appropriate smile a lot. Be enthusiastic about what
you are saying. Make it fun. Learning is directly
proportional to the amount of fun your audience is having.
Laughter is like internal jogging. Aren’t adults just grown
up kids?

6. Use visual aids to increase audience retention of your
message. But never become a master of ceremonies to your
overheads. Toys create humor and playfulness.

7. Be creative. Include music, poetry, games, songs, dance,
brainstorming, and role playing.

8. Dress appropriately. Always be a step above the
audience. If it’s “business casual,” be a little dressier
than casual. You are your best visual aid!

9. Have strong closing remarks that include a summary that
reviews the main points. (People have short attention
spans.) Or, make a statement or tell an anecdote. Call for

10.Start and stop on time. Be flexible and able to cut the
talks short if asked. Be in control. Leave time for Q&A.

11. Use an evaluation form. This will provide you with
feedback and confirm your value to the participant. Ask
what they liked most and what they liked least about your
presentation. Ask for referrals. You might ask the
attendees who else they know who would benefit from your

12. Send a personalized thank-you note. Ask the program
chair for a testimonial in writing.

13. Create “BOR” (back of the room) products. Sell your
books, e-books, and booklet(s). Create audiotapes,
videotapes, and CD-ROMs. Having products will catapult your
speaking career and make you more valuable to your clients.
This “passive” income is frosting on the cake.

About the Author

Sandra Schrift 13 year speaker bureau owner and now
career coach to emerging and veteran public speakers who
want to "grow" a profitable speaking business. I also work
with business professionals and organizations who want to
master their presentations. To find out HOW TO MAKE IT AS
http://www.schrift.com/successresources.htm Join my free
bi-weekly Monday Morning Mindfulness ezine