Start Up Ideas For A Dream Come True

Where can I get free startup ideas to help start my home business? What possible ideas can I come up? I don't know anything. I can't do anything. I have no skills.

Sound familiar? I went through the same thing many times myself. But don't worry, My Home-Based Business Advisor has you covered. We're going to help you come up with lots of startup ideas.

First of all, everyone knows something, or can do something, that someone else would like to know or be able to do.

Second, and this is extremely important, you must do something that you like! I can't emphasize this enough. If you pick a startup idea that looks profitable but isn't something that you will like doing every day, then you're setting yourself up for a lot of frustration and, eventually, failure. You won't stick with it because you don't like it!

It's easier than you think to come up with ideas for your business startup that you will actually like to do! It's called brainstorming.

Brainstorming Startup Ideas

To get you started, take out a notebook or pad of paper and a pencil. Now, write down

  • what you're passionate about

  • what you like to do in your spare time

  • what you talk about most

  • read about

Do you have a hobby? Write it down. What are your natural talents? Write them down, too.

What expertise do you have from your job? What do you do every day automatically, without thinking about it? Remember, being a full-time mother and housewife (it's not a bad word, you know) is a job in itself. Again, what do you do every day without even thinking about it? Write it all down.

See what we're getting at here? All these things are possible business startup ideas. Things you like. Things you enjoy doing.

More Specific Startup Ideas

The Internet has changed the face of business forever. Yes, you can do business without it. But your competition doesn't, and pretty soon you'll realize that they're more successful than you because of it. You can market products or services directly over the Internet or simply use your website to generate extra publicity for your local customers. Here are five of the most popular (and profitable) business startup ideas:

  1. Sell Information

  2. Sell A Product You Make

  3. Buy Low, Sell High(er)

  4. Be An Affiliate

  5. Create Your Own Expert Site

For a more detailed explanation, and more great advice for your home-based business, please visit My Home-Based Business Advisor.

Terry Nicholls
My Home-Based Business Advisor

Copyright © 2004 by Terry Nicholls. All Rights Reserved.

About the Author

Terry Nicholls writes from his own experience as someone who wanted to start his own home-based business. Now that he has, visit My Home-Based Business Advisor - Helping YOUR Home Business Start and Succeed for free help for YOUR home business, including ideas, startup, and expansion advice.