Starting a home-based pet related business

If you’re contemplating the idea of starting a home-based business here are some facts you should know:
· According to the Small Business Administration, home-based businesses account for over half of all the businesses in the United States.
· Each year thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs launch a part-time home business to supplement their existing income or to test a new business idea.
· There are two industries that have shown exponential growth over the past years, and they are (in no particular order):
1. The Wellness Industry
2. The Pet Industry

Now that you know that, and that we’ve agreed you’re a pet lover, it’s time to choose the right pet business for you. You will have to ask yourself some basic questions such as:
1. What are my strengths?
Do you like to work directly with people, or do you prefer to work alone?
2. Do I want to work from home or at home?
Some home-based businesses require you to hit the road, while others let you work without ever leaving home.
3. Do I have certain skills that make me stand out from the crowd?
Can you bake the most delicious cookies in town? Are you a whiz with your camera? Does every pet you encounter just love you?
4. How much can I afford to invest?
Do you have all the necessary equipment to operate your business? Can you start operating on a shoestring and then add as your business grows?

After you have answered those questions is time to search for more information on your desired business idea, you will find a lot of information online. Some ideas are:
· Aromatherapy and Natural Products for Pets
· Poop Scoop Business
· Dog Bakery Business
· Pet Grooming
· Pet Sitting Business
· Pet Photography

Of all of them, my personal favorite is the first one because it merges the two largest growing industries together, Wellness and Pets. BINGO, you have a winner!

Do your homework, find out which home-based pet business best suits you and start today, you will find it to be a rewarding way of earning a living because not only your customers will thank you, but also their human companions. ;o)

About the Author

Mariangie González is an Agronomist with a major in Animal Science and runs the day-to-day operations of her home-based business and website which carries natural pet care, pet aromatherapy, holistic pet health, pet toys, pet jewelry and much more. She can also help you start your own home-based 100% natural pet supplies business, you can visit online at: