Starting Your Own Internet Business

Okay, you've been lurking on a number of email discussion lists, visiting all sorts of web sites, and subscribed to a number of Internet marketing newsletters for some time now trying to figure out just how to take your first step in creating a business on the Internet. Many of these discussion lists and newsletters take for granted that you already have your Internet business established and are looking for help with making it prosper. You've read everywhere that you can make money on the Internet, but you aren't quite sure how to get started doing it. Are you ready now to take that next step in starting your online business? In this article, I want to take a little time to discuss a few of the basics for how to do just that.

I can think of at least ten important steps one must take in the process of creating a new online business. There are other key tasks, of course, but I believe these are enough to get you started. You can get to some of the rest after you're established. Here is a brief description of each of the ten steps I deem essential:

1. Secure a Domain Name for Your Business
This is a must in order for your business to have its own distinct domain name with which your customers will associate both your web site and your product(s). A long, unrelated domain name URL is actually detrimental to your business interests.

2. Find a Reliable Web Host
This step goes hand in glove with the first step. It's best if you can settle on a reliable web host who also sells domain name registrations. This way, you can usually get a bargain deal which includes the domain name registration, a web hosting account, and any other particulars that might go along with setting up a web hosting plan.

3. Set Up Legal Terms for Your Online Dealings
This is for your own good. You are vulnerable to frivilous law suits without it. If you don't feel capable and/or comfortable writing your own policies, better hire a good attorney who specializes in Internet law.

4. Create and Upload Your Web Files
This is the most involved part of the whole process, since this is where you must build your web site to attract customers.

How you design your site makes a BIG difference! Again, if you don't feel capable of encoding your own web pages, better hire a good web design company. The image your web site presents impacts how your potential customers view your business' professionalism.

5. Obtain an Online Merchant's Account
You can't do business effectively on the Internet without an online merchant's account. There are a variety of providers.

You're better off going with the more reputable, big name companies, such as the credit card companies themselves, as opposed to some of the lesser-known, bargain dealers. PayPal and ClickBank are good alternatives, however.

6. Conduct a Site Analysis
There are at least three different ways to do this, and it is of key importance that you do so. You can use the "built-in" analysis tools provided by your web host (assuming they include this with their plan), or you can use one of the free site monitors, such as SiteMeter, or you can pay for the advance featured services of SiteMeter or Hits Link. Needless to say, if you skip this step, you'll be "shooting in the dark". That is, you won't know how or from where people are accessing your site or with what search keywords.

7. Optimize Your Site for the Search Engines
While this is still an inexact science as yet, you simply can't ignore the role of a well-placed ranking in the most popular search engines. I read somewhere recently, though I neglected to note the source, that if you aren't in the top 20 on the list for your keywords, an estimated 85% of searchers just won't find you, because they won't bother to go any further.

8. Promote Your Site
This is a no-brainer, yet what is the best way to do it? I focus on getting FREE exposure for my sites. Banner exchanges and link swapping are two other important ways. Writing articles for ezines is one of the most effective ways. There may be times when paying for inclusion or advertising is worthwhile, but I haven't been convinced of that just yet.

9. Consider an Affiliate Program
This step can help you with both promoting your site and selling your product(s). Don't underestimate the power of a good affiliate program. You'll need good affiliate tracking software or a paid affiliate tracking service to help you do this. A quick search of Google will yield a plethora of sites to help you with this.

10. Maintain Excellent Customer Service
While this may seem obvious, it's amazing at how underemphasized it is! Don't get so caught up in trying to sell your product(s) that you forget to sell your customers on your service after the sale. Like a doctor with a bad bedside manner, no one wants to deal with an apparently uncaring person. After just one bad experience, they not only will avoid doing business with you again, but they will warn all their family and friends and even casual acquaintances to avoid you as well!

Certainly, there are further steps you can take in creating and managing your online business, but I believe these ten steps constitute the basics. If you're ready now to finally create that online business you've been studying about for so long, follow these steps to make your dream a reality.

About the Author

Michael L. White is a Christian Internet entrepreneur. Visit The Web Marketer's Guide at, or to Parson Place at, to subscribe to his two newsletters, The Web Marketer's Guide and The Parson Place Newsletter.