Talk To Yourself First

As I enter my home office each day I look out on my back yard. I deliberately
have no curtains on the windows so I can see the great out of doors. Today it is raining and cloudy but who cares I am in my nice warm home and I can look out at all the trees putting on their new green suits for Spring in my back yard. Now I stretch that is the next thing in my morning routine and I say out loud. "I am filled with abundant energy." This is my way of saying that I am a winner today. These statements are called affirmations, postive self talk to get myself going in the right direction in the morning. They are reinforced in my subconscious mind.

As I enter my home office each day I look out on my back yard. I deliberately
have no curtains on the windows so I can see the great out of doors. Today it is raining and cloudy but who cares I am in my nice warm home and I can look out at all the trees putting on their new green suits for Spring in my back yard. Now I stretch that is the next thing in my morning routine and I say out loud. "I am filled with abundant energy." This is my way of saying that I am a winner today. These statements are called affirmations, postive self talk to get myself going in the right direction in the morning. They are reinforced in my subconscious mind.

Words are very powerful. Try standing up right now and shouting "I am determined to succeed." How do you feel a little bit uncomfortable if this stuff is new to you.
You discoved for yourself how powerful words can be. You can literally speak what you want to create into your world.
What ever you want to achieve is all in the words you use.

What is the one tool that is most important to your business. Forget software and website designs. The currency of business is communication. Being able to clearly communicate your business to others, show how your business will benefit them is all in how you communicate and how you use words. Now here is another thought on words right now. We are selling to a global community so if you are selling to a market that is in another language you best get a translator of your words. Someone who knows the culture and what is polite and what is not.

Being sincere, authentic and using the right words to communicate
you can achieve your dreams and desires, all of them. The words one uses
will convey who you are, what your product is about, and the problem it will solve for the person you are approaching to sell.
All communication starts with yourself. So what you tell you each morning and throughout the day is very important to your success or faliure.
Words have the power to evoke emotions, and move that person to laughter, sadness, to negotiate with you or the other way to irrated that person, make them angry and click them right off your website.

Whether you are delivering the words on a written page or in person words have power. When you are in person of course you have the advantage because then people are picking up body language, voice tone, intent, so you can imply so much more than the words.

Words on the internet are even more important because you are not there in person to talk to that person. You are not putting out that voice tone, body language and intent.
To sell more, choose your words better. Make the most productive use of words, words that address the needs and wants of your customers. Check out the ads in your local newspaper or favorite magazines. What catches your eye. Now try and put your own words to these ads.
Read every book and site you can find on the art of persuadtion for that is what you want your words to do. Persuading is what you are attempting with your customer. Persuading them to buy, Persuading them you are trustworthy, Persuading them your product can solve a problem for them. We all need to build a Unique Selling Proposition. It is important we place our product benefits correctly and communicate them to our audience. What our words are about is motivationg the buyer into action.

As I said in the start of this article it is important first and for most what we say to ourselves. They will help you achieve your goals.

About the Author

Judi Singleton is a free lance author and publisher. She writes ten blogs a week if you would like to sign up for one of her blogs you can do that at