1. Obtain the proper equipment for your business.

A cordless phone enables you to catch up to Jr. If you use
a headset, make sure it's comfortable. Make sure your chair is
comfortable. I've gone through 3 because of backaches. Chances
are you have a Modem. Do you have Phone Answering software?
Utilize it when you're not in, your outgoing msg. should be
professional (are kids screaming in background?).

2. Make it easy to record basic message information.

You can have Contact Mgr. software running in the background.
The phone rings, answer and click on your icon to bring it up.
Start making notes on who, when, where, etc. for follow-up.
Have plenty of spare printer cartridge ink or refills. Don't
run out of ink. You may need a hardcopy of something immediately.

3. Have an organized system for your goals - Event Control.

Once written, your daily goal system should be prioritized.
If you have to delegate, mark to whom and put a due date on it.
A misunderstood topic itself, it deserves special attention.
For more info, mailto:Autobot@HomeBizNet.nu'subjectgoals

4. Make good use of customer information for follow-up.

Utilize your Email along with your Contact Mgr. software.
Follow-up is key to sales, customer service and backend sales.
Keep good info on each of your clients. This information should
be kept strictly confidential and handy. Knowing all about your
clients' business will make you more effective on the phone.
(Hi Jim, how is that Project A marketing campaign coming along?)
For more info visit http://post-master.net/rs/hbn

5. Price your services competitively, keeping in mind your own

monthly expenses.

Add your expenses up on an annual basis like the basic monthly
phone charges, equipment, office supplies and divide the total by
12 to determine a monthly overhead cost. Obviously, the revenue
you generate must exceed this number each month to make a profit.

6. Contract for your services formally.

Put together a standard contract for both you and your client
to sign. The "Business" section of your local library will probably
have some standard contract forms that you can amend for your use.
We utilize Legal Forms Software. Forms are valid in all 50 states.
The contract should have a minimum length to it, like 6 or 12 months
with options to renew it at expiration. You need to plan on a certain
amount of business and income and you can't do that without a
minimum service contract length.

7. Select a business name that is descriptive but not limiting.

If you are not incorporating, you can use your name in the
company title if it's simple and easily pronounce-able, such as
"Marge Dean's Services" or, better yet, "Marge Dean's Telemarketing
Services" which encompasses more tasks in a potential client's mind.
Keep it simple and open.

8. Select the type of business you want to be.

Incorporation carries the most prestige but it isn't always
practical for a small business. You can always start as a sole
proprietor. A partnership will be necessary if you have someone
else sharing the profits and expenses of the business with you.
Additionally you can form a International Business Company (IBC)
and have your Trust own it. Everything becomes anonymous and
provides you and your beneficiaries benefits for life. In essence
you own nothing (on paper). Yet I travel the world on my Debit
MasterCard with no Social Security Number (as I do not have one,
nor do I want to incorporate, due to religious reasons).

9. Obtain enough supplies to launch your business.

Be well-equipped with the basics: pencils, pens, note paper,
paper clips, rubber bands, staplers and this type of office needs
should be purchased in quantity. You achieve a savings by higher
volume purchasing and also avoid possible work stoppage because
you are out of supplies constantly. You do have bookkeeping software
right? Does your Contact Mgr. software have a calendar? Order
business stationary and envelopes along with business cards.
Remember, you are trying to create a positive, professional image.
If you wish, hire a graphic artist to design a logo for your business.
This should appear everywhere - Website, bus. card, letterhead and
envelopes. Shop around for printers. There are often "specials" and
prices have really come down. A color laser printer is now < $1000.

10. If your business outgrows your house, shop around for a

good location.

Don't consider moving out of your "home" office unless you've
redone your expense calculation, divided it by 12 and seen that your
new monthly expenses can be eclipsed by your revenues. Consider out-
sourcing some work to other sub-contractors working at their home.

If you outgrow your home office and decide to find an outside office,
consider sharing a space with other professionals in a building,
where business needs like a photocopier, fax, receptionist, etc.
can be shared among the occupants. You'd still have your own private
office, but it will save dollars to combine other resources. Shop
for office furniture to get the best price possible. Check the
newspaper for notices about bankruptcy auctions and Sheriff's
sales where you can often obtain nearly new, higher quality equipment
for little money.

After all, a penny saved is a penny earned.

About the Author

Stephen R. Renfrow, a Freelance Writer and Director of the
HOME BIZ NETWORK http://homebiznet.nu
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