The 8 Myths About Creating Wealth

You have probably read or heard about various myths (these are
the truths that are valid only for certain cases, but not in
general) surrounding wealth and wealthy people, all of which
hinder your quest for financial independence. Here are the
most common and most destructive:

Myth No. 1: How much you earn depends on how hard you work

If this were true, then the physical, blue-collar workers,
who have been working hard for years, would have been the
wealthiest people on earth. Of course, this isn't true.
They form most of the workforce and the vast majority of
the middle-class.

If you witnessed your parents coming home tired from a long
day's work in your youth, you probably learned that money
wasn't a sufficient reward for all that effort. People who
work "just" for the money often have debts because they
comfort themselves with whatever they can buy, beautiful
things they lack when working.

Myth No. 2: Being paid for something you enjoy isn't work
and you shouldn't ask for money for doing something that is

Check this with millionaires. They all have so much money that
they don't need to work anymore. Nevertheless, they work for
other reasons, challenge, satisfaction, fullness of life,
activity, fun... and all are connected to a love for their
work. If there was no joy in doing a certain task, they would
do something else that would make them much happier and that
enables them to realize their dreams.

In fact, if you don't enjoy your work, you will never become
wealthy doing it! However, just because you enjoy your work
doesn't mean you shouldn't get paid for it - in fact, that is
the ultimate goal, to get paid for what you already enjoy so
it never feels like you are at work!

Myth No. 3: You need to be in the right line of business to
amass wealth

Do you think so? This must mean that all the people who are
involved in the same business are millionaires. Of course,
this isn't true. In each business there are winners and
losers; winners abound, even in businesses that consist of
distasteful (to most) or "impossible" work like sweeping the
streets, collecting the trash, working in a factory, pumping
gas, selling newspapers, etc. On the other hand, there are
just as many "losers" in businesses like selling real estate,
management or being a stockbroker.

Myth No. 4: You need the right education to make a fortune

Are the most educated people really the wealthiest? Not at all!
In this case, university professors would be the wealthiest
people on earth. Ask them about their salaries, if you get the
opportunity. The truth is vastly different - the wealthiest
people are those who can convert their knowledge (or education)
into money, in the best possible way. They can be highly
educated people (like inventors, scientists, etc.) or almost

Being formally uneducated does not equate to poor performance
on the job or the inability to form a strong enough vision to
carry a person to success - they can easily be experts without
having a formal education.

Myth No. 5: It used to be easier

Statistics show an increase in the number of millionaires in
the world every year. Talking about the "good old times" only
offers comfort and a convenient excuse. If you look around,
you'll see there are people who behaved the same way in the
"good old times" as they do now, yet their success has been
recent. With technology and progress come new ideas, desires
and needs and there are more business opportunities appearing
daily to serve them.

Myth No. 6: I'm too old (young)

If you research the life stories of some of the most successful
people, you'll see that this isn't true at all. Some became
wealthy early in their lives (perhaps from the stock market),
while others found their fortune in their old age. Ray Kroc,
was more than fifty years old when he bought and made the
first McDonald's.

Myth No. 7: I don't have enough money to start. You have to
spend money to make money.

This is no different from any other excuse or "myth." Like the
others, it's obvious this one isn't true either. Many have made
their fortunes starting from scratch, living in an apartment or
working out of their garage and yet, they developed business
empires that are worth billions of dollars today. The other
elements of success are far more important than having seed
money to start a business.

But yes, often money helps and it certainly doesn't hurt. Like
everything else discussed in other myths: it probably helps,
but it is not always necessary.

Myth No. 8: I'll begin when I know everything

Do you believe that you will know everything someday? Or even
that you'll know enough to ever be "really prepared now?" The
more you learn, the more you see what you still need to learn.
Success and obtaining wealth is a dynamic process. Even if you
"could" come out of the gate knowing everything there is to
know, some of those elements will change immediately and many
will change rapidly. If you don't decide now, nothing will
happen. Live and learn.

Some millionaires have even allowed themselves to go bankrupt
and then (even faster) recreated their wealth, sometimes even
greater than before. Money itself isn't the obstacle that is
keeping you from being wealthy. If you're really good in your
business, don't worry, because someone that will offer you
money (a bank or business partner) will appear who will
appreciate your talent knowing you are a very good investment
opportunity. But you can't sit around waiting for this - make
it happen.

Exercise "taking action" as much as you can. Make your
workplace better or more efficient. After all, even if someone
else signs your paycheck, you really work for you. Even if you
are an employee in a large corporation - it isn't your
corporation - but it is the only corporation through which you
can prove what you are capable of right now.

All of us have what it takes to become a millionaire! Born
winners, yet few of us know how to take advantage of and
cultivate the possibilities hidden inside our own mind!

No one can ever grant you greater potential than your heart
already holds…you need only discover its contents to find the
one true path to your success in life. Born with the seeds to
our success, the greatest decisions must always come from the
inside! You will discover a new, deep well of fortune –

About the Author

Nikola Grubisa
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