The easy way to create your website.

The only way to success in any on line venture is to have a good product and a healthy amount of customers.

Not the most breathtaking statement is it? Possibly the most obvious thing about business anywhere is that you must have people who want to buy your product in order for you to succeed.

But what do you sell and how do they find you?

If you don‘t have a site or a product to sell don‘t worry , I am about to give you a site, some web space to put it on and some quality products to sell along with all the information and resources to make your new business a successful one.

So who are your customers and where do you get them from?, well I suppose there are a lot of people browsing the web and one day one of these shoppers might come across your website accidentally and buy some product or idea that you have to sell them,

Hardly a good marketing strategy is it?
So let’s concentrate on giving your potential customers a really good opportunity to find you.

I will tell you the best way to build your new site(or use the one provided) and optimize it for the search engines.

I will teach you the best way of getting your site listed with the search engines.

I will let you know the best ways to market your site.

I will point you towards owning your own FREE webspace,

The Dream.

I am not vain enough to say that these techniques are new or revolutionary but I hope that by putting things in the right order and in plain English that you too can succeed in bringing enough traffic to your new online empire to realise a dream, the dream of being able to sustain a living in your own home without the restraints of going to work for someone else, without having to bus or drive 5 or 6 days a week to your office, shop or factory and earn some money for someone else’s company when you could be earning your own money, for you and your family.

One thing I really appreciate now that I work from home is that now I am able to spend some really quality time with my family, I can see my son growing up, I never miss a moment of his life and I never waste a moment looking out of an office window wondering What if?

You too can follow this dream into reality, you too can spend your day doing a job that offers 100% satisfaction because it is your job, your business and you are able to enjoy the benefits of being your own boss.

So the most common questions are,

1. how do you do it?
2. What is the process?
3. How long will it take?
4. What do I sell if I do not have a product already?
5. What if I don’t have a website?
6. Can I build one?
7. How do I get the search engines to see my site once I have built it?
8. How do I get some customers?
9. How do I get these customers to come back for more?
10. Can I really do this?

These points are the starting block for you.

They are easy to answer and we will go through each and every step plainly, simply and with absolute clarity.

Following the steps I am about to outline will enable you to start your own website, whether it be selling your own product or an affiliation schemes product, these steps will take you from website designer to website owner, and beyond that you will learn how to get the search engines to find you, how to get your potential customers to find you and how to keep them coming back for more.

You can and will produce a product you are proud of.

As a promotional bonus I am giving the first 100 people who purchase this book 6 months support by email.

This alone is worth more than the price you are about to pay but I need you to know I am Dedicated to your success.

As if this was not enough,

The Bonus Pack.

As a bonus for buying this book I will give each and every purchaser over $1,000 worth of programs for free so you can create your own money making website properly.

These range from over 100 website templates that are easily configured to your own personal needs to some rather clever ready made programs called Java script’s that perform a series of tasks on your behalf.

Also included are a large variety of programs you can resell, these require nothing more than change of payment details to enable you to start making money straight away..

I think this book is the best one available, I have worked hard to put together a package that not only explains how to build, optimise and market a website in easy to understand terms, it also gives you all the tools to do it.

You need not spend another penny on tools for your site, on programs to enhance your site or on search engine optimisation, ever again.

If you want to know the best ways of getting results with your site this book tell you how.

And if you get stuck, you only have to email me.

Mark White

For more information please visit

About the Author

Owns 3 websites
Has been in IT for 15 years and is actively involved with search engine optimization.