The Principles Of Insurance

Everybody has heard all the debates on TV and in the news recently regarding national health insurance. Politicians from either side of the aisle have put their unique spin on the issue to try and win favor from voters. That is an important issue, so it helps to understand the basics of insurance. In this article I'll go over the fundamentals, how insurance works, and how it doesn't work. That way, when you hear people talking about it in the news, you'll have a better understanding of what's going on.

Insurance has been around for many centuries. What is probably the most famous is a company you may have heard of, Lloyds of London. They started back when explorers would set out to the world. If they came back, then the people at Lloyds would reap some of the benefits. If they disappeared, then Lloyds would incur their cost. Companies and kings alike used Lloyds to protect against potential loss as they sent their ships out in search of new lands.

Insurance today is based on the same principle. A protection against a potential loss. The mathematics is based on something called the Law of Large Numbers. The fundamental way that it works is if thousands of people contribute to a fund, that money is to be used to pay in case one of the individual contributors suffers an accident. This only works if the chances of an accident are much less than the sum total of the contributions.

In order for an insurance policy to be created, the insurance company has to deem the risk of an appropriate investment. If somebody has a record of getting into a car accident every Friday night, then no insurance company would cover them. Since there was a pretty good chance this particular driver would crash his car, the insurance company wouldn't be able to carry the risk.

The possibility of events happening has to be lower than the total amount of contributions by policyholders. If the risks start to be higher than the contributions, then the insurance company will have to pay out more than it takes in, and will go out of business. In order to protect against going out of business, the company will do one of two things.

The first thing is that everybody has to pay much higher insurance rates, so the company can stay in business. If the insurance company goes out of business, then nobody will receive any benefits in case there is an accident. The other thing is that some people who are deemed higher risk will have to either pay much more for their insurance than everybody else, or be denied coverage altogether.

The bottom line is that the less likely something is going to happen, the less you'll have to pay to insure against it. The higher the chance become, the more you'll have to pay.