The reasons people want a home business

The reason people want a 'Home business'

The rising cost of living with the average wage not keeping pace is forcing members of the work force to find other sources of income.
It is becoming more necessary every day for both husbands and wives to have work.
This trend, if the couple has children, turns the children into 'latch key kids', if they are old enough, or forces the parents to put them into 'day care' or some 'after school' program to be watched until one of the parents can pick them up.
Many employers have cut benefits, and have reduced the amount of employees due to the costs, and are not giving our raises as quickly as they should, even to keep up with the cost of living. In fact, many are expanding the scopes of work with no compenstaion.
The average time on spends on searching for new work, or additional work, has lengthened.
This has caused a huge jump in those people seeking to work from home, on their computers, using the internet as their main source of promotion.

The problem with this is most do not know what it takes to run a business, either on or off line.
There is no magic equation that will change your life style over night and the internet is just another resource for the off line business world to make additional sales.
Just getting your business listed in the local phone book will not make thousands of new customers enter your store. Nor will getting a good search engine placement, or a great product listed on the internet guarantee the same to your website.
You will have to do follow up calls, follow up e-mails, snail mail and hit the streets ,as they say to get your business cards out to your potential clients.

This will take time and the determination over a period of time to accomplish.


Either way, the chances of failing far out weigh the chances of success. Most will not make it their first, second or third time, but if they stick with it and learn from their mistakes they will.

Reasons for failure:
The first reason they will not make it is because they will blame everyone but themselves when things do not go right or happen as fast as they think it should.
The second reason is they do not spend the time or effort into working their business.

The third reason is they do not take the time to 'learn the trade' before they jump into the first opportunity they come across. They don't know their products well enough to answer questions nor how to train others to duplicate their success.
Those are the facts.

The solutions:
Treat your on line business as a real business.
File a business statement in your local newspaper and get the required permits from your local area, if one is required. This will often open your business venture up for loans and help from the SBA.
Report income to the correct agencies, or even the lack of income to them for tax reasons. You will be able to deduct your home business expenses from your taxes, if allowed ( but always follow the advice of your tax person in this matter).
Believe in yourself and your product. Know the products benefits inside and out.
Get trained by your partnership alliance contact, owner, etc.
Get business cards, make brochures and give them away to everyone you meet or know.
Stay informed and become aware of how things work.

Internet business:

Understand what the internet is and how it works, what it can and can not do for you.
Keep things in perspective at all times, and do not believe all the hype or gossip you may hear or read about on the internet.

Robert Nixon

About the Author

Editor/owner of the Cpu Cash Newsletter and Nework.
The Cpu Cash Network is dedicated to putting honesty and respect back into internet home business with solid products at affordable costs, useful tools and resources that will present 'home business' potential, or existing, owner's with information they need.