The Wrap Up of 2004

The Wrap Up of 2004

 by: Lorraine Pirihi

This is it. The end of another year.

For some of you the next few days will either be frantic or quiet, depending on the business you are in.

I hope those of you who are quiet are spending your time wisely planning what you want to achieve for 2005.

For the rest of you no doubt, January will be the time when future plans will be made.

Regardless of when you do it, you need to plan where you want to be personally and professionally this time next year.

If there is no planning or goalsetting, you will continue to meander along and take what life dishes out to you. You'll be reactive, not proactive.

When you know where you are going, you can work out the steps to get there.

Do a Personal Stocktake

Write down the answers to these questions:

What have I achieved this year?

What do I want to achieve by the end of 2005?

What skills, courses, people do I need to help me reach my goals for next year?

List the specific ACTIONS you need to take.

Plan in your diary when you will carry them out.

This last step is very important. You can have all the great intentions in the world yet if you don't commit specifically when you are going to act, your goals may end up being wishful thinking and never eventuate.

If you are a leader in your organisation, do the same exercise with your people.

By the way, these same principles apply to your personal life. Sit down with your partner, family or whoever you feel should be involved in this process and set your goals together.

Nothing Changes if Nothing Changes

Christmas is an interesting time of year.

Some are shining in their successes and can't wait to tackle the coming year after a well-earned holiday.

For others it can be sad, reflecting on the year gone by all too fast. They had good intentions to make 2004 the year when they were definitely going to lose weight, get fit, spend more time with the family, improve their business etc. and yet it didn't turn out that way. They are burnt out by working too much, keeping too busy and not looking after themselves.

Goals were set, only to be broken because life got in the way. It was much easier floating along with the crowd.

Unfortunately if you float along, you could end up anywhere. And more often than not, the crowd is heading in the wrong direction.

The Final Word

According to Henry Ford the hardest work known to 'man' is…’thinking’.

Take time to think and plan so that this time next year you can happily trot off on your Christmas break knowing that you have succeeded in achieving the goals you set for yourself…you have taken control of your life instead of life taking control of you.

The sense of satisfaction attained by setting goals and achieving them will boost your confidence and motivate you to strive even harder.

Planning, commitment and action will get you there.