Tips for Developing an Employee Policy Manual

Do you employees understand what's expected of them in any
given situation?

More importantly, do YOU know what you expect of your
employees in a given situation?

Take the following scenario:

A journalist from your local newspaper phones your office
wanting an interview regarding a charity benefit that your
business is supporting. You are not available, so the employee
who answered the phone gives the interview.

Is this okay with you? Are your employees authorized to give
interviews to the media? All of your employees or just certain
ones? Can they give interviews without clearing it with you
first? In what situations? Do they know what to say and what
not to say in an interview? Do you require a written or verbal
report following an interview?

If you have an Employee Policy Manual, that's just one of the
many topics that you will have addressed.

Regardless of the size of your business, the Employee Policy
Manual is an essential management tool that communicates
your rules and expectations to employees. Management
consultants tell us that the Employee Policy Manual is
created to ensure consistency and to establish methods
that the employer will use to address an array of issues.
A good Employee Policy Manual will not only cover issues
like media contact, but will address the more important
issues of employment, health and safety in the workplace
and employee theft.

Although the contents of the Employee Policy Manual will differ
from business to business, all should contain the following main

1. Employee Code.
Outline basic elements such as working hours, vacation time,
salary and benefits, overtime, orientation procedures, and
performance evaluations. Also, include coverage of customer
handling and other issues that arise during the normal course
of the workday. Include job descriptions in this section as

2. Employee Misconduct.
Include a description of how employee misconduct will be
addressed, including issues such as tardiness, persistent
lateness, or employee theft.

3. Sexual Misconduct.
Even small and startup businesses are advised to include a policy
item outlining behaviors that are not acceptable within the workplace.
Primarily designed to protect women in the workplace, these
policies also advance strong guidelines to mitigate the occurrence
of sexual misconduct in the work environment.

4. Heath & Safety Guidelines.
When employees share in the responsibility for health and safety

issues, the entire business benefits. Guidelines must comply with
applicable local, provincial and federal legislation.

5. Internet Policy.
Include mention of appropriate Internet and email usage. Be sure
to specify that employees may not use company email or other
Internet components to conduct illegal activities, or to access or
distribute pornography or copyrighted materials, such as the
popular MP3 music files. Should you ever find yourself in court
defending your business because an employee has used your
email system to send threatening or harassing emails, an Internet
Policy will be to your benefit.

By having an Employee Policy Manual in place, employers are
taking a proactive stand, rather than reacting to a negative situation
when it occurs. The Employee Policy Manual should be required
reading for all new employees, as well as for existing employees
when any substantive change has been made.

About the Author

June Campbell
Writing Services by Nightcats Multimedia Productions

No-cost eBook, "Beginner's Guide to Ecommerce"

Newsletter, business articles, email marketing course