Tips for Getting Your Home Loan Approved

Tips for Getting Your Home Loan Approved

 by: Jay Moncliff

Home Loan Tip #1 Pay Your Bills

It is very important that you always pay your bills on time and never miss a payment. When you have this type of history paying bills your mortgage lender will believe you will be just as responsible with your home loan. If you want to be approved for a home loan, be sure you are current on all your payments and have been making them regularly for some time before you apply for a home loan.

Home Loan Tip #2 Employment History

In general, when an individual has been employed in the same job for at least two years, or at least the same type of job for that amount of time, a home loan approval is more likely. So, if you have been in your same job for a year and a half and are considering quitting or changing jobs, but are also looking at buying a house, wait until your home loan is approved before you make any changes. Once you have your home loan, you can make any changes.

Home Loan Tip #3 Pay Debt Down

Your debt to income ratio is considered when you apply for a home loan. If you really want to be approved for a home loan then you need to make sure you pay off as many debts as possible in order to look favorable to the home loan lenders. A home loan is approved for individuals who have a low debt to income ratio.

Home Loan Tip #4 Savings

Before applying for a home loan, make sure you have saved at least 20% of the down payment and also have enough money to cover several months of your home loan payment. When you have enough money in savings to cover you if you experience financial difficulty one month or even two or three then the lender will be more likely to approve your home loan.