Tread Softly When Dispensing Unsolicited Advice

Tread Softly When Dispensing Unsolicited Advice

 by: Dean Phillips

I recently received an e-mail from an Internet marketing colleague. Actually, it was a series of e-mails. Everything started out pleasantly enough, he initially e-mailed me to tell me that he clicked on my ClickBank payment link and it wasn't working properly, which I appreciated and thanked him for.

But it didn't end there. He immediately bombarded me with a slew of e-mails offering me various tips and suggestions. None of the suggestions were anything I hadn't heard before. I just purposely chose not to implement them into my business, for my own personal reasons.

However, trying to be courteous to a fellow Internet marketing colleague, I told him that I would consider his suggestions.

He immediately sent me another e-mail, offering me yet another suggestion.

That's when I got pissed! Gathering my composure, I e-mailed him back and told him that I didn't necessarily agree with his business procedures, but I respected his right to run his business his way. I asked him to extend me the same courtesy.

I guess I must have hurt his feelings, because I never heard back from him, which was actually pretty revealing in itself. But you know what, I couldn't care less. I never asked him for any advice to begin with. Who does this guy think he is? What he offered me was unsolicited and unwelcomed.

Besides that, I found his approach both disrespectful and offensive. It would never occur to me to approach an Internet marketing collegue and tell him how to run his business. I just wouldn't disrespect a colleague like that. And the fact he didn't bother to apologize for offending me speaks volumes about his characteror lack of!

I've been in marketing for over 25 years. I know exactly what I'm doing and why I'm doing it. And I'll put my Internet marketing knowledge, talent and ability up against anyone on the InternetANYONE! What on God's green earth made this man think I needed his help anyway?

I've got my own successful system and my own way of doing things. My way works just fine for me. If someone can't understand and respect my right to run my business my way they're going to have a serious problem with me! I'm making a very comfortable living on the Internet. I must be doing something right.

Besides, what kind of individual goes around clicking on another businesses payment link, without any intention of buying anything?