When to call it quits

When to call it quits
by Kara Kelso

It's been said many time before that the only way to fail is to quit. While this is true, some times we need to take a step back and ask ourselves if our efforts are really worth it. But when it is the right time to give up?

Before you quit, ask yourself the following questions:

~ Have I done all that I can do to make this business grow?

We all have our days where we feel all resources have been tapped, but when everyday you have no where left to turn it may be the end. Double check yourself by visiting forum and reading various marketing articles for ideas.

~ Have I given myself the proper time to grow the business?

A business does not grow over night, although you should be seeing at least some income (not profit, but at least some cash flow) after several months of active promotion.

~ What would I loose if I left this behind?

If the answer is nothing, again it may be time to stop what you are currently doing. If you do have some high points to your current business, these need to be looked at closely.

~ Am I enjoying what I'm doing?

If you don't like what you are doing, then it will deffately show in your work. When your business become more like a job without the benefits, it may be time for a change.

~ Could I possibly add to my current business?

Look into adding on to your current business to help it grow or to change your direction without actually quitting. You could add a new program, change your website, take on a partner, etc.

Most importantly ask the advice of those you trust before making a decision. Talk to family or fellow business owners to get some ideas of what you could be doing differently. Be sure to weigh ALL your options.

About the Author

About the author: Kara Kelso is a work at home mom of two, and the co-owner of MHMM Ezine, which is an informational newsletter just for moms in business. Recieve business tips, parenting tips, and more when you subscribe at: