Why's It Taking So Long

You've been studying prosperity and abundance and you understand that there is an endless flow of wealth moving about, money is passing hand to hand, as are goods and services. You've decided that you want to jump in and participate in the game. You want your fair share of the abundant flow. You have found in your studies that your attitudes around earning money stink and you've done a lot of work to change your belief systems. You really do believe that you're good enough and worthy of some cash rolling your way and you've been diligently affirming to the great cosmic forces that you are ready, willing, and able to accept your piece of the pie. So where is it? Why's it taking so long?

First of all, your mind imagines your wealth a whole lot faster than the real world could ever possibly move. That's part of the lesson, learning how to keep the mind steady until the manifesting has actually occurred. In the end you're to realize how fast or slow the event occurs is really in accordance with your own ability to hold your thoughts and some other subtler dynamics that we'll discuss later. Ultimately you're going to have to give the world time to catch up with your wonderful daydreams of the good life. Not every single one of us who's trying to manifest a rich abundant lifestyle for ourselves can win the lottery. There isn't enough lottery money to go around! So be patient.

What about taking action? Have you actually started working at doing something? If you're sitting on the couch watching television every night and stating your money hums during the commercials, don't hold your breath. It's not coming. You have to take action and it has to be the right action. The whole point of a flow of wealth is that it isn't dead end pooling into your bank account. It's moving through you and around you. Being in the flow means that you are a participating member. You have to be putting out some sort of effort that warrants the flow comes through you. Ask yourself honestly, are you giving something of value to the market, to the universe, to the flow? If you aren't, then you better think of something worth giving that's equivalent to the order that you placed while sitting on the couch earlier. If you aren't putting out much, then don't expect to receive much. That's how life works.

Giving to the flow of wealth isn't necessarily about working a nine to five job. If you are staying home with your children and working hard to create a wonderful beautiful home and haven for your family, then you will be blessed with treasures and wealth that could bring tears of joy to your eyes when you really take the time to see just how much you have received. Remember abundance isn't always going to show up in dollars and cents. It could be a home, running water, indoor plumbing, fresh fruits and vegetables that you didn't have to farm, milk without owning and maintaining a cow, eggs without the mess and noise of chickens, a car instead of having to walk everywhere. Make sure that you haven't already been blessed with a rich abundant life of love and luxury compared to most of the peoples of the world. Perhaps you give love and support to your friends and family. What do you receive in return? Are you remembering to count your blessings? Do you truly see what it is that you get in return?

"Yeah, but I want more! I want money and lots of it!" Come on admit it, how many of us have thought that to ourselves or maybe even said it out loud? Okay, so you don't just want to be spiritually rich or third world country rich, you want to be America rich. You do understand that you really have to give something of value in exchange for that money? Look at the American people. What do they want? What do they need? What do they fall in love with? What are they obsessed with? How can you meet a need in the American people that will equate to the financial situation that you desire? Pick something and take action.

If you're working your buns off and the money doesn't flow and you aren't having a good time doing it, then you need to chalk it up as a learning experience and move on to another idea. No harm done, just keep searching your own talents and skills until you find something that you can give to the world that will return to you the lifestyle you envisioned for yourself. Better make sure that you aren't working so hard that you never get to spend that money. Did you remember to affirm balance and harmony along with that paycheck? Did you remember to pray for adequate time off from your work so that you could laugh and play? Perhaps you should choose a gift that you love giving. You know what they say, do something that you love and it'll never feel like work again. I've also found that it's true, if you love your work, you will naturally excel. Maybe not at the fast speed that you want, but the expertise will come as will the money.

If you've found your bliss in your career and you are grateful for the gifts life has given you but the money still isn't flowing, then maybe you need to look at whether or not you are really ready. Perhaps you need to learn some lessons about organization, time management, or balance first. Look at your life realistically, are you emotionally and spiritually mature enough to be given the kind of money you're asking for? When you are, you will realize that you are fully and completely in the flow. Take what you need from life's abundance and enjoy.

Copyright 2004, Skye Thomas, Tomorrow's Edge

About the Author

Skye Thomas is the CEO of Tomorrow's Edge, an Internet leader in inspiring leaps of faith. Her books and articles have inspired people of all ages and faiths to recommit themselves to the pursuit of happiness. After years of high heels and business clothes, she is currently enjoying working from home in her pajamas. To read more of her articles, sign up to receive her free weekly newsletter, and get free previews of her books go to www.TomorrowsEdge.net.