You've seen it a thousand times. Maybe it's happened to you.

An excellent idea carried out by someone totally committed to
the idea's success and yet they fail. Six months later somebody
who could care less (but likes to make money) steps up and
makes it work. Why? The age old question. Why do good ideas
not automatically work?

Many people fail to realize that there are concepts that are
UNIVERSAL to small business people in their quest for success.

Even Einstein wouldn't know.

No one person has all the answers when it comes to business
success. In fact there are many ways to succeed but many MORE
ways to fail. So the first thing you need, once you have your
idea, is ACCESS to people who have been there.

People who will take time to answer your questions and
help you along, without wanting 51% of your business!

The Golden Rule of Business Test, test and test again!

In the small business world millions and millions of dollars
are lost every year (usually a few hundred dollars at a time)
because the idea the person had wasn't tested. Even the best
idea you have ever heard of needs some polish before it's
presented to the world. But where do you go to test? You need
a COMMUNITY of people who will test your idea and give honest
feedback based on real world experience.

I would if I had the money.

Ever been to a bank with an idea for a small business?
Thousand of business owners will tell you that most banks
don't want you and don't need you. Venture capital is
usually for the big boys so where do you go? You need a
NETWORK of contacts who can help.

Just flip a coin..

Decision making is one of the hardest parts of being in
business for yourself. How do I price this? Should I give a
discount? If so, how much? It's all on your shoulders, all
the time. Your family and friends are all going to say the
same thing... "Sounds great to me". After all, it's not
their mortgage payment on the line. You need a POOL OF
WISDOM to draw from.

Bookkeeping, taxes, paperwork... Oh my!

That's right, your not in Kansas any more. To hire all the
professionals you need would cost a fortune.. a fortune
you don't have. What you need is a GROUP of experts to call
on who won't drain you dry.

Here's the bottom line. People in business need a BRIDGE
between where they are now and where they want to go. People
need ACCESS to answers to their questions from people who are
competent to answer. The ability to test new ideas without
spending a fortune. And they need help with the details. We all
have these needs but it's the few who will actually invest their
time in building and developing such a resource. Without such a
resource the road ahead could be slippery indeed.

About the Author

Cathy Bass knows of which she speaks. She has found
her resources and is making them available to you. Visit her
website today at http://www.4smallbusiness.com and begin
building your bridge to success.