Why Should You Have a Business Vision?

Why Should You Have a Business Vision?

 by: Joanne Victoria

Did you know that satisfaction is the number one emotion people want to experience about their life and business? Yes, fame and fortune are up there, but satisfaction is the key. Satisfaction is about contentment, gratitude and pure joy. Are you satisfied with your business and your life? If not, read on and see how you can transform your life in the simplest method possible.

To be satisfied is to enjoy each step along the way, to be able to integrate the practical with the fanciful, to continually refine your dream or vision.

You need a vision for your business. You had it at least once in your life, especially if you chose to go into business for yourself. You may be making the money that you want, have fame in your community, but still are unhappy and wonder - "Is that all there is?" If you are in any way unhappy or dissatisfied with your life or your business, you need to re-ignite your original vision or create a new one. But wait, you say, you already have a business plan. Isn't that sufficient for your business success?

Why Isn't a Business Plan Enough?

A business plan is for banks and credit institutions, but outcomes are based more on desire than on business plans. Vision with a Capital V is bigger than a business plan. The difference is, if your vision is not articulated, you cannot include it in your business plan.

Who Besides Me Benefits from My Business Vision?

Customers know when you have a clear, passionate business vision. The benefits clients, customers and vendors receive are a result of your clarity about the dream of your business. The more you can relate your vision to your family and community, the more you can excite everyone. More excitement attracts the customer of your dreams.

Lance Armstrong wanted to win the Tour de France. Once he achieved this goal, his vision was to win more Tour de France's than anyone. He did just that; he created a World Record of six wins. What he also did benefited the country of France, even though he is an American. France's tourist dollars increased. American television advertising grew as more people tuned into these races. Armstrong's battle with cancer increased donations to the American Cancer Society. Benefits abounded for anyone connected to bicycle riding, including manufacturers and sports clothing providers.

Do Independent Professionals and Micro Businesses Need a Vision Too?

Definitely! Independent professionals and micro businesses require the clarity of a vision. Martha Stewart started small. She was a caterer after she completed her career as a model. A product of her times, the 1950's, Martha's first thought was to make a home look warm and inviting. As a great cook, Martha created elegant, well-designed meals and events. She had her vision for success.

When Martha Stewart dreamed well into the future, she had a vision of a conglomerate business, with far-reaching rewards. She created OmniMedia, with her own magazine, television shows and products; all sold worldwide. From small business visions, big business visions grow. Even in prison, Martha continued to expand her Vision with a Capitol V to include two new television reality shows. Martha never stops expanding her Vision with a Capital V.

You now have the key to your business future, the joy that can make your efforts worthwhile. You will also achieve fame and fortune as an outcome, but satisfaction is the key. Be satisfied with yourself. Create a Vision that helps move you forward.

Enjoy yourself, your business and your life.