Why The Retire Quickly Opportunity Blows My Mind!

Lisa and I have been in several networking companies. We've made
money with different types of compensation plans. Many companies
dangle big income, but once you're productive, you discover the
roadblocks between you and all those dollars. I'll give you an
example and this is fairly typical.

To achieve a nice bonus in this company compensation plan, you
needed 3 of your reps to reach a certain production level:
$20,000 of group sales in one month. And then to claim the next
bonus level, you had to have 3 people who had 3 people at
$20,000! That only 9 people. But having 9 people who each do
$20,000 group volume every month is phenomenal. Which means,
it`s a LOT of work to find them.

But most networkers never recruit ONE person who could do that.
And what if you did? What if you worked your rear end off and
finally recruited one person who hit the $20,000 of group volume
sales regularly every month?

Amazingly, you STILL wouldn't qualify to get paid on his
organization! Many companies tell you about all the money you
can make in their compensation plan but most have requirements
that mean not one out of 10,000 networkers ever qualifies for
the BIG bonuses, because it`s so tough. There are a lot of
companies out there like that. Some are less complicated. But
the principle is the same. You need a number of reps at a high
production level, and continuing to achieve that high level
every month, in order for you to get paid on your organization.

What just blows my mind about Retire Quickly is that one person
could sponsor one person and make a LOT of money. There is no
other business out there I know of where that is true.

Consider this example of how powerful the Retire Quickly program

How could you make $6,800 per month? Do you know somebody who
knows somebody?

For instance. let's say you enroll an attorney or a doctor who's
just sick and tired of what he's doing. Maybe you don't even
know the guy. You don't necessarily need credibility with the
individual to enroll them because of the Internet advertising
and the strength of Retire Quickly Automated Sales Assistant
Web Page. And say this guy is willing to put $10,000 into

Let's say he uses that $10,000 to advertise and figures a way to
put out Retire Quickly free reports at a cost of about $8 each.
He could do better, he could do worse, but $8 per lead is very
doable, so let's say that's what he winds up with. So for his
$10,000, he gets 1,250 leads.

For each new sign-up, he gets $40 up-front from RQ. If he can
convert one out of ten of those leads, that's 125 new reps times
$40 $5000 immediate return. But we'll say he only gets 100
new-sign ups. So it cost him $100 per new sign-up, and he is
short $6000 from his advertising investment.

At this point he is very discouraged. But fortunately in his
enrolling process the new people on his 1st level understood
that in order for them to succeed they each had to put $200 into
advertising. They also get 1 new sign-up for every $100 of
advertising. So each person enrolls 2 people. And THOSE 200 new
people each spend $200 on advertising, with similar results.

A few months later this is the happy Doctor`s organization and

Pay Level Max. 6 # of active people Total Group Bonus Volume
Commission Percentage Monthly Commission

Active total volume

People Commission (Doctor)
1st Level 100 $250.00
2nd Level 200 $1,000
3rd Level 400 $4,000
4th Level 800 $16,000
Totals 1500 $21,250.00

In this case the Doctor would need $4,241,600 invested at 6%
interest to produce the same amount of income.

Your income for just enrolling the doctor:

People Your Monthly Commission
1st Level 1 $2.50
2nd Level 100 $500
3rd Level 200 $2,000
4th Level 400 $8,000
5th Level 800 $1,200
Totals 1501 $11,702.50

Your Enroller`s Income for enrolling you, assuming you enrolled
the Doctor:

People Your Enroller's Commission
1st Level 1 $2.50
2nd Level 1 $5
3rd Level 100 $1,000
4th Level 200 $4,000
5th Level 400 $600
6th Level 800 $1,200
Totals 1502 $6,807.50

Your enroller doesn't get paid because he quit! He got
discouraged because he only enrolled one person. Don't let this
happen to you. This is why smart people don't ever EVER quit
Retire Quickly! (By the way... the good news is, the commission
rolls up to the quitter's enroller.)

The preceding illustrations do not include items that would
INCREASE your income. There is no income shown for QuickPay
bonuses. This illustration does not show income from the E-tax

All numbers are approximate. No guarantees are implied.

And if you enrolled that doctor, your monthly check is over
$11,000. This is a residual you would get every month for as
long as you remain with Retire Quickly. All for enrolling just
one person!

That can't happen in any other company I've ever seen. With any
other company, they find a way to weed out the little guy. They
make it so he can't do enough stuff right to get paid for
everything the doctor's done.

But Retire Quickly doesn't make you jump through all those
hoops. They just send you the check!

That's what excites me so much. And with Retire Quickly being
internet-based, you don't have just your backyard to look for
this guy. You have the Internet. You can look anywhere in the
world to find that one person or even the one person who finds
the one person.

If it takes you a year to do it, so what?

If it costs you a few thousand dollars to find him, so what?

What else could you possibly do that would have that kind of
return. And to get the ball rolling, you just had to put up $50
and change?

Five years from now you're going to look back and say "THAT was
the best money I EVER spent!" Just a few years ago I was
approached with an opportunity about 1/10 as good as this. And
my wife and I were sick and tired of being sick and tired. So we
took a chance and jumped in with both feet. Six months later,
working with the right people, doing the right things
consistently, our lives were changed.

The decisions you make today will change your life tomorrow.

Most people don't understand. If you don't decide to go forward
today, you are making a decision to go backward tomorrow. The
downside risk ($50 and change to start, $59.90 a month after
that, plus whatever you spend on advertising) is dwarfed by the
upside potential, as you can see from the charts. These numbers
make Retire Quickly an easy decision for a lot of smart people.

About the Author

Skip & Lisa Mathewson,
Go directly to http://www.retirequickly.com/94770 and Enroll.