Why Things Are The Way They Are

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Why Things Are The Way They Are

Things are the way you think they are, because you think they are
that way. An interesting statement I know, but let’s break it
down a bit if you will, and see what this Really means.

When it’s all said and done, “things” do happen right? In fact
there is a bumper sticker that I am sure you have all seen which
had been the National catch phrase that really summed it up in a
more colorful manner....&#IT Happens! Remember that one?

Well, this got me to thinking...you know what? That sticker is
right, life is going to throw us a few curve balls now and then.
I believe that is simply a part of life itself. It’s not really a
matter of If something challenging is going to come our way or
not, but only when these things are going to arise. Now if this
is an agreed upon statement, let’s continue down this road a bit

Since things are going to happen anyway, shouldn’t we maintain
the most Positive solution searching attitude toward them for
when they do? I mean, it beats the alternative doesn’t it? And
have you ever noticed that no matter how dreaded the situation
seemed at the moment, over time it is realized that it wasn’t so
horrible after all? I tend to refer to this as “mid-night
thinking“, you know, when we lay awake in the middle of the night
worrying over every little thing, every little sound, every
problem or situation that we possibly could, and then in the
morning we realize that everything is fine and we laugh at
ourselves, wondering what the heck we were worrying about in the
first place?

For, when daylight comes, or any light is cast upon our crisis,
(like reality) it’s our Interpretation of the experience, not the
experience itself that determines the emotions we attach to it.
And even more importantly, it’s this reaction (the way in which
we respond to adversity) that others determine our character as a
person to others. What do I mean by this? Well, simple
really...we learn more about someone's character on their bad
day-when things go wrong, far more than we can learn about them
while everything is going right. Let’s face it, it’s easy to be
all happy and go-lucky when things are going your way, but it’s
when the chips are down that we learn what we need to most about
who they really are as a person.

A dramatic illustration of this was unfortunately on 9-11. Why
did mayor Guliani and president Bush’s support and approval
rating go through the roof on this infamous day? It was Because
everyone saw how they dealt with crisis, and then the world took
notice and applauded their strength, gaining the respect of the
Nations by the way they handled their horrific situation.

Some saw this tragedy as something that would pull the American
people apart, others, especially the aforementioned, saw it as an
opportunity to pull us all together. Things were the way they
Thought they were, because they thought they were that way.

An adverse example would be where we've all seen (great) things,
wonderful things, happen to others, like someone getting a
promotion at work that some would dreamed of, and then heard them
say under their breathe in a sarcastic tone, “well...it looks
like now I’ll be having to work more than ever, whoopee...great
promotion.” never appreciating the opportunity being bestowed
unto them.

Compared once again in a brighter light to when we’ve seen
tragedies that most would run from, and witnessed people rise to
the moment and make the most of it, learning from the experience
if nothing else, what we will never tolerate again.

What’s the true difference here? I believe it comes down to this,
we have two choices, 1.) We can let the situation dictate our
attitude, OR 2.) We can let our ATTITUDE dictate the situation.
The best part is, the choice is ours.

Now with this in mind, for the next time things come up, and come
up they will...write down this simple little message and keep it
with you, or even better, write it down twice, once for yourself
and another to share with someone you love.

“Things are the way you think they are,
because you think they are that way.”

Keep Smilin'

About the Author

By: Gregory Scott Reid, GregReid@AlwaysGood.com
Speaker and two-time number-1 best-selling author,
The Millionaire Mentor and Wake Up: Live the Life You Love