Working At Home in Your PJs

Talk about dreaming and working at home in your PJs…

Sandy and I were working the midnight shift, and we were
trying hard to stay awake. That night was really difficult for
some reason. Then someone came along and asked where
was Mary in room 301. Well that woke us both up. Frantically
we go searching in every room and all the stairways. Boy
was that enough to wake up everyone. Well, guess where we
found her, feet dangling out of the laundry hamper..with her
head on the clothes and sound asleep.

We both laughed. But the reality was, when I was working
in the everyday world, I spent a lot of time thinking that
there must be a better way then help someone else make
money and use my valuable time. After forty years
of being a nurse and helping people, I decided that I could
help people by working in my home. I remember when the
Internet first came about and how fascinated I was with the
concept of being able to reach the whole world with just the
click of the mouse.

Do you remember when you could go somewhere and not hear
anyone talking about emails and websites? It seems such a short
time ago, but for myself, it became my way to work in my PJs.
How about you? Is that what your are wanting to do?

If your work is changing and you are feeling like you want to
work at home in your PJs, it is likely that you are trying to
figure out how to make that transition.

If you’re not yet sure that it’s time to make your move, consider
these questions:

1. Are you finding it difficult to go to work everyday, drive the
traffic rush, feeling like you are losing time with your children,
or simply just missing out on your own time and freedom?

2. Does your work atmosphere enhance or detract from your
lifestyle that you wish?

3. Do you have a plan that will allow you to say goodbye to
your JOB? Or are you stuck without a way out in the next
few years?

If the writing is on the wall that it is time for you to consider a
move and decide what you want to do, consider these options
before your start trying to figure out what you want.

Try writing out the reasons as to why you want to work at
home. The reasons as to why people start their own businesses
vary and it has to be what it important to you and not to anyone
else. Here are four very important questions that you will want
to answer before you would want to start any planning.

Why do I want to start my own home-based business?

What are my goals this year, next year, 5 years from now?

What commitment am I willing to make for my home-based

business to succeed?

Have I considered how my family feels about my desire to

start my own business?

These seem like very simple questions but they are very key to
you understanding the whys that you would want to consider
moving to your home business.

If you would ask me the question, “Are you glad that you are
work in your home?” I would answer.. “Absolutely”.

So, go to the questions that I gave you and spend some serious
time with yourself and answer them honestly. It will give you
a very good sense of direction as to moving forward in your
own business or staying in your JOB. We call that JOB (Just
Over Broke).

About the Author

Judy LaMont, R.N. MA.Sec Ed. is an Internet Consultant
who shows Entrepreneurs how start their online home-based
businesses in very easy simple steps. She resides in Orlando, Fl.
and is well known for her Internet knowledge and dedication to
helping people. Judy can be reached at or at 407-832-1996.