YOU Call Yourself a Professional

YOU Call Yourself a Professional?
by Laurie Rogers

Sometimes I wonder where on earth people actually get
the NERVE to call themselves a "Professional". Let alone
a "business person". Maybe their idea of professionalism
is based on being rude, arrogant and egotistical. Maybe
it's because we are online and they "think" they can get
away with it.

If there is one thing I will NOT tolerate and that is people
being outright "RUDE". I don't care WHO you are, or WHO
you think MAY think YOU are, I also do NOT care HOW fat
your wallet "may" be - "money and stature" has NOTHING
to do with treating people like DECENT human beings. And
if you don't think that is something you can handle, then
please do us all a BIG favor and get OUT of business.

I have been online for well over 3 years and I have NEVER
seen and met so many IGNORANT people in my life. I have
seen publishers get cursed out both publicly and privately,
because some moron doesn't want to take the time to look
for the "unsubscribe link". And because THEY are too darn
LAZY they feel they have the RIGHT to trash and abuse a
a DECENT human being.

Then on top of that, they LOVE to threaten you with old
"I'm reporting you for SPAM" routine. Really? Well I've got
news for you - YOU are responsible for YOUR own actions,
NOT me - YOU chose to get yourself on a list, therefore
YOU can follow the instructions and get yourself OFF of it
too. We are NOT your parents or your babysitter for that

By the way this same adage applies to those of you who
WHINE and CRY about NOT making a million bucks after a
week. "Oh well I can't do this anymore, it's not making me
any money"! "Oh I don't want to do the follow ups, that's
too much work"! And, "why can't you just GIVE me some
sales, you can afford it because you're making thousands
of dollars a month". Heck, even my 3 year old son realizes
that with WORK there comes a reward for his efforts.

I for one have NEVER had anyone GIVE me a free hand out,
so WHY should I give you one? What makes YOU think that
you are so deserving of a "hand out" that I didn't get? Are
you that MORE special than I am, so I should just give you
one? Who are you tell me that you have more grief and
problems than I do? Do you know that for a fact? I doubt

Just because we are conducting business online, does not
mean you don't have to WORK for your money. And you'd
probably feel 100 times better knowing that YOU really did
work for your money, rather than having someone just hand
it to you on a silver platter. If you want to be treated and
called a "Professional", then maybe you should really START
acting like one. And it goes without saying, "do unto others,
as YOU would have done unto YOU.

About the Author

Laurie Rogers is co-author of the Ezine Resource Guide, She is the owner of Optin
Frenzy - a paid list building program for ezine publishers You can obtain more of Laurie's
articles at: