Solar Power - How Much Does It Really Cost?

How much does solar power cost? Many people are still apprehensive about solar power because of the bill of such a project. They still think that it is not a wise investment. No one can blame them for they are used to the idea that it is a brand-new technology and, as with any new technology, they will always be costly. This is where they are wrong. Solar power technology has been around for years. Recent technological innovations have made it possible to build your own solar power system for just $200. Now, compare $200 to your total electric bill for a year. That is a lot of money saved, money that can be used for other important matters in your life.

Of course with our busy lives, most of us don't take the time to investigate or compare. But when you do, you find that the true facts are that even without looking for cleaner renewable alternatives, the costs of our energy is rising quickly. Have you looked closely at your electricity and oil bills lately? well, if you haven't you really should. All around the world, coal fired and oil based energy costs are growing and of course we are paying more.

The arguments for solar power are quite good. Unfortunately, not everyone is convinced yet. They still remember the time when solar power technology came out a few decades ago and they still think that it is very expensive. However, the recent global economic meltdown has brought up again the question – just how much does solar power cost?

As we mentioned earlier, the real point to consider before comparing the cost of solar power with fossil fuel based electricity is the rising costs of fuel. The law of economics is dictating the price of oil and coal. The whole planet combined is consuming fossil fuels at rates that were not anticipated. Fossil fuel reserves are depleting fast and everyone knows that. The law of supply and demand is pushing the price of oil and coal to skyrocketing rates. Consequently, it is also pushing the price of electricity higher. It is time to search for other sources of energy. So, how much does solar power cost?

The answer is about $200. Some people will find that quite incredible, even unbelievable, but this is actually true. Guides are being sold over the web at a mere $200. Imagine that, a lifetime's worth of electricity for just $200. What then are the factors making solar power cheap?

One of the factors is the fact that recent technological advancements have made everything easier and cheaper. Solar panels and batteries are made from cheap but effective materials and they are no longer expensive. Consistent with any kind of technology, what was expensive before is now cheap! Another point to consider is the fact that information about solar power system is now available anywhere. It is no longer a company or a government secret. We have the web to thank for that. Somehow, the question of how much does solar power cost is no longer relevant.