How to Handle Kitchen Fire

Kitchen fire is not an uncommon incident. After all, it is a place where electrical appliances and gas stoves are used on a regular basis. And no matter how expensive your stoves are, it can start a fire just the same. That doesn't mean though that you need to quit using your kitchen to avoid such disaster. Some preventive measures can make it work for you and it doesn't need a lot of money to do so.

Get organized. Flammable materials must be placed away from fire. Dishtowels, boxes and paper bags shouldn't be near the stove or cooking area. Don't use your oven as storage for flammable materials even if you rarely turn it on. Accidents can happen anytime and kitchen fire can easily burn down the whole house.

When cooking, don't leave it unattended. Oil can light up, pots and pans can malfunction and flammable materials can find its way near the fire. Also, handles of pans and pots must not be left dangling towards the edge of the stove to avoid catching up unnecessary materials like your hair or clothing. Incidentally, avoid using loose fitting clothing that can easily catch fire. It is not only dangerous for your home but more so for you.

Your stove, oven, toaster, blender and other kitchen appliances must be plugged in a safe area, meaning it should be located away from the sink. Wet electrical cords can start a kitchen fire.

Following directions is also a good precautionary measure especially when using an appliance for the first time or using a cooking gadget that you're unfamiliar with. Follow instructions at all times especially when fire, electricity, oil and grease are involved. Also, keep your kitchen tools clean. Oven tops, stove and toasters must be free from crumbs, scraps and other items that can start a fire.

Since accidents can happen even though you've done the necessary preventive measures, have a fire extinguisher placed near the kitchen and every household member must know how to use it. In case electrical fire breaks out, don't try to put it off with water for that will only electrocute you. Keep baking soda handy as it is a natural fire extinguisher for grease fire.

In case the kitchen gets too hot and fire cannot be extinguished anymore, get out at once. Call for professional help for the cleanup operation later on.