Labor Pains - Cake Decorators Unite

One of the biggest challenges facing cake decorators today is the lack of appreciation by the public for this intricate art form. The skill and creativity have perhaps been over-exposed and although it is wonderful to marvel as these artists create magic from cake, icing and various sugar concoctions, it appears few want to pay what this work is worth.

It is obvious both sides, the decorators and the public need to be educated about the cost associated with creativity. There are some cake decorators who vastly under rate and under charge for their cakes, while others place an exorbitant price on the cakes, pricing themselves outside the market.

The main challenge for many decorators is how to account for time, labor, ingredients, material cost, and even specialized technique. All too often customers want the most unique cake possible without any consideration for what will go into making it. If you present your portfolio of handmade gum paste flowers in different venues, the first thing a customer will ask is, "How much will it cost to have that?" There are other bakers who honestly believe that one day the right customer will drop from the heavens and pay what the cake is "really" worth.

The truth is customers who want your product and can afford it will purchase and those who cannot afford your prices will go to a local grocer. Learning your worth and believing in what you are worth is two different things. You will learn to respect your time, labor and skill as you become a seasoned decorator. In the beginning you may think you can't possibly charge a particular amount because you are